Recommended Reading

A big ol list of stuff we'd like to recommend to each other!Please feel free to add to the list by clicking on 'edit'. It can be anything, not just books, so choose your favourite thing to suggest.


You Can’t Keep a Good Woman Down
Alice Walker, 1971
This was the first fiction book I read for 5 years, and it made me realise that i’s not all crap! A selection of short stories by the author of ‘The Colour Purple’ (which I haven’t actually read)

Happy as a Dead Cat
Jill Miller, 1983
A short book about an emerging feminist in Britain. Funny and easy to read.

Female Chauvinist Pigs; Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture
Ariel Levy, 2005
An interesting look at the position taken by women today, the title says it all really!

Not For Sale; Feminists Resisting Protitution and Pornography
Edited by Christine Stark and Rebecca Whisnant, 2004
A selection of academic essays on the title topic.

Comics and Zines

I Ringen (The Ring)
Titu Takalo, 2007
A graphic novel by Finnish comic artist Titu Takalo (it’s in Finnish but has a translation script with it). Tells the story of 16-year-old boxer Julia and how her view of the world and herself is affected by meeting Alexandra.

Midnight Cowgirl
The personal account of an anarchist sex worker working in New Zealand where prostitution has been legalised.
Available to view online at;

Films and Other Video

Nine to Five
Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton. 1980.
Comedy about three women working for one pig-headed boss. Sick of how they and their co-workers are treated by him, they take things into their own hands.