Dashboard Inbox Group Page Redesign (current)

h1. This is very old no longer relevant

This is very old no longer relevant

(on the left nav, dashboard should be highlighted, not mypages)

My Pages Closed Nav Cropped

My Pages Open Nav

Inbox Nav


Not sure what do with the page layout. We dont want a nav on both sides. do we just have actions etc like we have now but in a similar style, or do we want to incorporate the left nave some how.

i put the little action tab that only has create pages at the top. other ideas on placement of action links vs nav links


i was thinking cropped flush, like “cropped”


the “USER INFO” is my profile and settings? perhaps “YOUR INFO” or “MY INFO” would be better (from my non native english speaker point of view).


pietro: agreed. i’ll change it to my info, consistent with my pages.