Mobilization Tool

This will have many overlaps with network creation.

Story Time

Last week, I went to the first public meeting of the where we are now network at Judson Memorial Church in NYC. While it is being organized as a network by a steering committee it had a very similar feel to short-lived convergences and mobilizations of the US anti-globalization movement. Energy, excitement, and a familiar initial lack of structure. There was an impressive go around where artists, activists, and academic introduced themselves and their affiliations. Then there was a retelling of how this “network” came into existence and then we broke out into different groups. I kept thinking, wouldnt it be amazing if there was a computer projecting the Crabgrass Mobilization Tool where the decision making structure, some of the groups, and information about the network were already set up. Then after, or before the breakout i could sign up to the different groups and stay connected and organized via CG. What does this tool look like and how is it different then other tools?

Mobilization Tool

  • Network Creation
  • Decision Making Structure Determination
  • Group Creation (template or some basic suggestions like outreach, nuts and bolts, media, etc)
  • Templating of different networks / group structures
  • Normal Groupware Pages
    • Calendaring
    • mailing lists (?)
    • task lists
    • meeting schedualling tool
    • wiki
    • voting and polling

Related Tools

Activist Mobilization Platform (AMP) Hosting


Indeed. Crabgrass – How it all started. 09th April 2008 ;-)