

Group Permissions

The default is that everyone in a group has admin permissions. They can :

  • accept new members,
  • create committees,
  • access any group or committee page
    You can create a committee that is a council. People in this committee then become admins of the group. Others in the group have participant permission. See chart below.

Committee Permissions

  • Group members have access to all committees
  • Even if a group member is not in a committee they will still see committee pages on their dashboard (this was different in previous versions of Crabgrass on

Permissions pour les pages Coordinator Participant Viewer
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Standard ist, das alle Gruppen-Mitglieder Admin-Status haben

  • Einstellungen bearbeiten
  • neue Mitglieder Akzeptieren
  • Komitees ertellen
  • Zugriff auf jeden Gruppen- oder Räte-Inhalt
  • vollständiges Löschen von Wikis

In einer Gruppe kann ein Gremium, der Rat, erstellt werden. Mitglieder dieses Rates erhalten Admin-Status.
Alle anderen Gruppenmitglieder erhalten Teilnehmer-Status. (siehe Abb.)


  • Gruppenmitglieder haben Zugriff auf alle Räte
  • Auch wenn Gruppenmitglieder nicht in einem Rat sind, werden sie dessen Inhalte trotzdem in ihrer Übersicht haben (das war in früheren Versionen von Crabgrass auf anders).
  • Mitglieder, die in einem Rat sind, nicht aber in der zugehörigen Gruppe haben keinen Zugriff auf die Gruppen-Inhalte

Seitenberechtigung Koordinator Teilnehmer Zuschauer
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Permissions dans les groupes

Par défaut, toute personne dans un groupe peut administrer celui-ci. Il est possible :

  • d’accepter ou rejeter les requêtes d’utilisateurices souhaitant joindre le groupe
  • de créer des commissions
  • d’accéder à toutes les pages du groupe, et toutes les pages des comités du groupe
    Vous pouvez créer une commission qui soit en fait un Conseil. Les personnes de ce conseil obtiennent alors les pouvoirs d’administration du groupe, et les autres se les voient retirés. Voir le schéma ci-dessous.

Permissions dans les commissions

  • Les membres du groupe ont accès à toutes les commissions
  • Un-e membre du groupe n’étant pas dans une commission verra quand même les pages de celle-ci dans son Tableau de bord (ce qui n’était pas le cas dans des précédentes versions de Crabgrass)

Permissions pour les pages Coordinator Participant Viewer
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Permissões do Grupo

O padrão é que todo mundo num grupo possui permissões de administração. As mombros podem:

  • aceitar novas membros,
  • criar comitês,
  • acessar qualquer página ou comitê do grupo

Você pode criar um comitê que seja um conselho. As pessoas neste comitê específico tornam-se administradoras do grupo. Outras pessoas do grupo passam a ter permissão de participação apenas. Veja o esquema abaixo.

Permissões do comitê

  • Membros do grupo possuem acesso a todos os comitês,
  • Mesmo que uma membro do grupo não esteja num comitê, ela ainda pode ver as páginas do comitê no seu painel (isso era diferente na versão anterior do crabgrass).

Permissões nas páginas Coordinadora Participante Observadora
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Bonjour Delphine,

upps, c’est désagréable.
Est-ce que tu peux décrire en détail que se passe?
Les étappes, la séquance, message d’erreur etc.?
Est-que c’est un novau problème?



Hi all,
We’ve learned, belatedly, that even after someone leaves a group, they still have access to any and all of the pages they created while a member of the group. This is not what we expected. The pages are owned by the group, as they should be. But both the group (owner) and the individual (creator) have full access. The creator can alter the access of the group to that page (full, write, read, or none), but the group can’t alter the access of the creator. The creator can’t even remove their own access!

I’d imagine this is problematic for many groups, as it is for ours. People come and go as active members, and somebody has to create the pages, but the pages and data need to remain secure to the group, not accessible to every member that ever created pages for it. Is there any way to deal with this, apart from someone recreating all the pages? For future reference, is there a way for the group itself to be the creator of a page, rather than an individual user? Thanks.


Hi there, any updates on the security/permissions problem I described above (on July 4)? Thanks.


Hi bhadda,

Thanks for getting back. We’re looking into the underlying problem which is based in how we organize the datastructure to begin with.

First thing we will do is to allow users to remove themselves from pages even if they will loose all access by doing so as long as they are not the owner. We originally intended this restriction to prevent pages left without an admin. But as long as one is not the owner that case should be covered.


I uploaded a gimp file to facilitate the translation of the chart.


Good night, can someone help me with the invitation to create an email. I really need this email on this platform.

– – - – - Translate for Portuguese – - – - – - – - – -

Boa noite, alguem pode me ajudar com o convite para criar um e-mail. Estou precisando muito desse e-mail nessa plataforma.



Hi elliot
It seems that you misunderstood something about different riseup networks. As indicated on the ‘’ welcome page (check when you’re not connected), creating/owning an account on and creating/owning an e-mail adress on are NOT the same things. According to this :
- if you need an e-mail account (which you seem to be looking for) you have to get an invite code by someone who already owns an account on & I think it is not really the right place here to ask for that…
- if you need a account — by the way you seem to own it already (as soon as you can write on this forum) — you have to create this account using the welcome page and then you can use the messaging system embedded in the crabgrass (using the me>messages interface) which only allows you to send private messages to people who own an account on… and NOT to any kind of e-mail adress.
Hope it helps (even late, it may help other people)


@azul now (or maybe some other riseup bird, or maybe @abbe)
Is there any easy answer about the question asked by abbe on jan-29-2016 ? (cf previous forum page)
Me & my group are stuck with the same problem… even after creating a council, any member of the group (i.e. not in the council, nor in any comittee) can have access to any comittee parameters — i mean for exemple, renaming, adding/deleting members, or even deleting the comittee :/
Is this normal ? I expected that creating a council would give different kind of permissions.
By the way : thank you riseup for this crabgrass tool ! We needed it & we love you !


Hello everybody!
We would like to invite new members to our small collective. But opening a new account is blocked for weeks now and I cannot find any information about this. Can you help?
Thank you so much!