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Primer ensayo sobre la población. T. Malthus mar 2019-02-26
Gomez-Barris (2017). The extractive zone. Social Ecologies and Decolonial Perspectives mar 2018-09-13
Philip Anthony Stott, Sian Sullivan Political ecology science, myth and power (2000, Arnold) mar 2018-09-05
Richard Peet, Paul Robbins, Michael Watts (editors) Global Political Ecology (2011, Routledge) mar 2018-09-05
Meht, Lyla. (2015) The new politics of scarcity: A review of political positionings, current trends and their socio-economic implications rosai 2017-08-29
Lyla Mehta (ed)-The Limits to Scarcity Contesting the Politics of Allocation-Routledge (2010) mar 2017-08-23
El concepto de bienes comunes en la obra de Elinor Ostrom mar 2017-08-23
Roseberry, William. (1996) The Rise of Yuppie Coffees and the Reimagination of Class in the United States rosai 2017-06-06
Walker, Peter A. (2005) Political ecology: where is the ecology? rosai 2017-04-28
Forsyth, Timothy. (2003) Critical Political Ecology The Politics of Environmental Science rosai 2017-04-27
Ormrod, James S. (2016) Changing our Environment, Changing Ourselves Nature, Labour, Knowledge and Alienation rosai 2017-04-27
Mollett, Sharlene and Faria, Caroline.(2012) Messing with gender in feminist political ecology rosai 2017-04-24
Robbins, Paul; Farnsworth, Rayna and Jones, John Paul. (2008) Insects and Institutions Managing Emergent azards in the U.S. Southwest, rosai 2017-04-24
Hornborg, Alf Clark Brett and Hermele, Kenneth(2012) Ecology and Power Struggles over Land and Material Resources in the Past, Present and Future rosai 2017-04-24
Garibay, Claudio. (2017) Clúster Minero Global, Instauración De Horizontes De Coerción Y Resistencias En Sociedades Locales Mexicanas rosai 2017-04-24
Foster, Jonh and Burkett, Paul. (2016) Marx and the Earth An Anti-Critique rosai 2017-04-24
Escobar, Arturo. (2014) Sentipensar con la tierra. Nuevas lecturas sobre desarrollo, territorio y diferencia rosai 2017-04-24
Swyngedouw, Erik. (2006) In the Nature of Cities Urban political ecology and the politics of urban metabolism rosai 2017-04-20
Durand, Smith Leticia, Figueroa Diaz, Fernanda and Guzmàn Chàvez, Mauricio Genet. (2010) La ecología política en México ¿Dónde estamos y para dónde vamos? rosai 2017-04-20
Gudynas, Eduardo. (2014) Derechos de la Naturaleza Ética biocéntrica y políticas ambientales rosai 2017-04-19
Faber, Daniel. (2008) Capitalizing on Environmental Injustice The Polluter-Industrial Complex in the Age of Globalization (Nature's Meaning) rosai 2017-04-19
Acosta, Alberto and Brand, Ulrich rosai 2017-04-19
Burkett, Paul. (1999) Marx And nature: A Red And Green perspective rosai 2017-04-19
Adams, William M. and Hutton, Jon. (2007) People, Parks and Poverty: Political Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation rosai 2017-04-17
Tensão entre justiça ambiental e justiça social na América Latina: o caso da gestão da água mar 2017-04-06