Remember! Some of the books can be obtained from the public library
Northern Nut Growers Association – a USA based organistion that has produced a couple of excellent books on growing nuts:
Franks’ method of growing nuts etc from seed in growbags (UK):"
Bender living – easy to make eco homes
see also Photos of Bender Tent construction
Perennial Vegetables: From Artichokes to Zuiki Taro, A Gardener’s Guide to Ove 100 Delicious and Easy to Grow Edibles by Eric Toensmeierr
Edible Forest Gardens (2 part set) by Dave Jacke, with Eric Toensmeier
BBC The Natural World – Future of UK farming post oil – permaculture (etc) possibilities:
Plants for a Future, main website – includes the plant database
Propagation Of Trees, Shrubs And Conifers. by Wilfrid G. Sheat – one of those must have books. Trust me, this goes through every species you might want describing the various propagation methods. Also tells you how to set up the ideal plant nursery. Relevant for the UK climate or similar. An old school gem. Worth buying.
How to Make a Forest Garden by Patrich Whitefield – UK based intorduction to making a forest garden. Excellent book.
The Grafters Handbook by R.J. Garner – recommended by many people in the know
Nuts. Their everyday Production and Everyday Uses by F N Howes – USA based
Gaia’s Garden – A Guide to Home Scale Permaculture by Toby Hemenway (new edition, August 2009)
A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants by Christopher Brickell (UK)
Nut Growers Handbook by Carroll D. Bush – USA based
The Improved Nut Trees of North America and How to Grow Them by Clarence A Reid and John Davidson – USA based, good one this.
Agroforestry Research Trust. (UK) – Sells various extremely useful books and publications ALSO seeds and plants!!:
Forest Gardening by Robert Hart. The classic work by the innovative genius describing his garden in Shropshire, England. Essential reading.
The Ultimate Fruit and Nut Guide (Exploring Woodland) by Susanna Lyle – excellent directry with useful info on propagation etc.
Method of easily growing big nutted trees and various other ramblings, (UK):
Permaculture Magazine (UK). Excellent book list:
CREATING A FOREST GARDEN: Working with Nature to Grow Edible Crops – long awaited excellent new book by Martin Crawford. Check out his Forest Garden CD also. These along with much other useful literature are available from the ART website
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