Minutes Sunday 5th September 2010

Facilitator JF (thanks)

Correspondance: not much

JimDog applied for grant for video equipment, Apple laptop. Noted that marker had concerns.

AP: nab and jen to sort out a letter to send to local groups
AP: nab to put up some posters in uni (delivered by JF to the co-op)
AP: Jen and JimDog to represent at Bradford freshers fair.
AP: Jen and JimDog to sort out some presentation about how we worked together at the EDL demo.

Last months we had 21 articles and 5 videos, applause! Need to keep it up.

Upcoming events that we hope to cover (to keep the content fresh):
Zapatistas (Jen)
Nerve centre (PinkLady (?))
Convention of the left (PinkLady (?))
Kendal, Lancaster and Manchester anarchist fair (nab to check events are up and hopefully some people will cover them)
Crude Awakening (JimDog)

Jen to chat to Zapatistas about audio (do a pre-record for Radio Interference) JF suggested they contact Oblong video collective about video skills course happening (and see if they could come to part of it)

AP: JF to keep proding Oblong Video Collective to give us two dates to collaborate
AP: JimDog to set up a media centre at Hacktion Lab and put some stuff on the website about it (so we can decided if it is relevant) and maybe have it as a skill share.

AP: respond to Oxford IMC about Northern’s proposal by removing the last two points.

Network Meeting: proposed date 11/12 of December
1 month to propose and 2 months for collectives to make substantial amendments or blocks. None of these (major amendments or blocks) to happen at a network meeting but to be raised before hand.

AP: nab to contact Seeds for Change
AP: jen to sort out membership of the 1in12 + logistics + check which days working
AP: protag food
AP: JimDog logistics, crash spaces and book the club

Proposals for the network meeting
install mod remove IP (AP: JimDog to chat to Donal)
propose mins are discussed as the first agenda point at the next meeting (JimDog)
Docs server (nab)


I didn’t write down Pink ol lady’s name properly, if anyone remembers please amend.


re: food (I see I have an action point) – I may need some help with this due to my lack of talent, though I can do a lot of driving around, picking things up, peeling potatoes (or whatever) when it comes to making things taste nice and look interesting I’m not to be relied on.
