Infracon 2019 Schedule

Please contact or post a message here with any questions. Note that you must be logged in to view individual session pages.

Monday 25 March

REGISTRATION (0800 – 0900)

OPENING (0900 – 0945)

SESSION 1 (1000 – 1115)

ROOM A | #13: Introductions - What’s everyone up to?

SESSION 2 (1130 – 1300)

ROOM A | #4 Setting up a simple Kubernetes Cluster with OpenAppStack

ROOM B | #21: How do we assess security needs of platforms/decentralized infrastructure? Sharing tips & stories

LUNCH (1300 – 1430)

SESSION 3 (1430 – 1545)

ROOM A | #16: BOF – Exploring workflows for deploying Ingress controllers, DNS, and TLS Certificate Management in Kubernetes

ROOM B | #9: Implicit Development Environments

SESSION 4 (1600 – 1730)

ROOM A | #16: BOF – Exploring workflows for deploying Ingress controllers, DNS, and TLS Certificate Management in Kubernetes

ROOM B | Unconference 1

CLOSING (1730 – 1800)

Tuesday 26 March

SESSION 1 (1000 – 1115)

ROOM A | #15: Shrink to Fit Container Orchestration

ROOM B | #7: Glocal Application Services in Community Networks

SESSION 2 (1130 – 1300)

ROOM A |#14: Deflect - Infrastructure as Code

ROOM B | #25: What’s going on in Latin America

LUNCH (1300 – 1430)

SESSION 3 (1430 – 1545)

ROOM A | #17: From lines of code to Kubernetes — Containerising and deploying your applications and #2: BOF – Exploring workflows for logging and monitoring in Kubernetes

ROOM B | Unconference 2

BREAK (1545 – 1600)

Coffee in Room B

SESSION 4 (1600 – 1730)

ROOM A | #17: From lines of code to Kubernetes — Containerising and deploying your applications and #2: BOF – Exploring workflows for logging and monitoring in Kubernetes

ROOM B | #2: Unconference 3

Wednesday 27 March

OPENING (0930 – 1000)


SESSION 1 (1000 – 1115)

ROOM A | #12: Presenting how works organization; what worked and what we need

ROOM B | #8: Deflect Labs and Baskerville – Identifying attacks with Machine Learning

BREAK (1115 – 1130)

Coffee in Room B

SESSION 2 (1130 – 1300)

ROOM A | #5: Shared infrastructure: CDN, AnyCast and GeoDNS

ROOM B | #27: InfraRed organizing and workgroup reports

LUNCH (1300 – 1430)

SESSION 3 (1430 – 1545)

ROOM A | #18: BOF – Exploring solutions to single sign-on for user services in Kubernetes deployments

ROOM B | #3: Training for sysadmins of community-based alternatives to profit based online services: Why is it needed and what it would look like?

BREAK (1545 – 1600)

Coffee in Room B

SESSION 4 (1600 – 1730)

ROOM A | #18: BOF – Exploring solutions to single sign-on for user services in Kubernetes deployments

ROOM B | Unconference 4

CLOSING (1730 – 1800)

Thursday 28 March (Public Day)

10:00 – 18:00
The Lleialtat Santsenca
Carrer d’Olzinelles, 31, 08014 Barcelona

*open day

Friday 29 March

OPENING (0930 – 1000)


SESSION 1 (1000 – 1115)

ROOM A | #1: MaadiX: deploying censorship circumvention technologies keeping autonomy intact

ROOM B | #22: Electrical and Internet access infrastructure barriers

BREAK (1115 – 1130)

Coffee in Room B

SESSION 2 (1130 – 1300)

ROOM A | #24: APC. Technical cooperation. The history and the present & #26: Intro to InfraRed

ROOM B | Unconference 5: P2P2Freedom

LUNCH (1300 – 1430)

SESSION 3 (1430 – 1545)

ROOM A | #19: BOF – Exploring service-level trust solutions and multi-tenancy strategies in Kubernetes deployments

ROOM B | Unconference 6

BREAK (1545 – 1600)

Coffee in Room B

CLOSING (1600 – 1700)


What time does the programme end on Friday?


Hi, On this page the Public Day is on Thursday 28 March, but on the main page ( the Public Day is Thursday March 29. I assume it’s a typo error, but it would be nice to get some clarity. Thanks.


The public day is on the 28th, corrected


The individual pages for the sessions are not marked public, but this page is. Should those pages be marked public?


Is there a reason people without an Infracon login should be able to access the individual session pages? (Open to doing so if so!)