
1. Get the word out about upcoming actions 2. Plan actions so that OFM looks "good" 3. Gain "points" with community at large 4. Make sure the 'press gives us good coverage"

I figured it out, continue later or tomorrow


It’s called “publicity”, no?


publicity is propaganda, ignore negative connotations to word, it helps me think of actions because directed publicity is what we want, not others controlling type of publicity we receive, before we engage in actions we should know the areas we will create publicity for, political, community involvement, building bridges.

For example, MLK day parade, to build positive propaganda for group we participate in NAACP parade. This shows our committment to civil rights, our desire to work with other groups, builds bridges within the community, establishes unity, one community one parade. We share many issues with the Black community, there has been a noticable absence of participants in our events from the black community, we must remedy that if we are to have legitimacy. Best way to remedy that is to begin working with the black community, support their issues and they will support ours.


to build better community ties, we publicize project housekeeper, we take up some local issues, i.e. FM police community involvement, feelings of oppression of black community by police, assist in publicizing brutality cases and calling for investigations by FDLE, Dept of Justice Civil Rights division, all of these types of actions will build bridges to Black Community

OFM had some communication with NAACP, we need to reopen those lines of communication,


How to get the word out—- News-Press has feature where notice of meetings may be posted,

unsure if group has used this to publicize actions is way to publcize through wink.
We may also request public service announcements when we are running food drives, voter registration, etc.

link to nbc-2 newstip page


I have sent newstips to wink and nbc 2. listed 239-777-5480 as contact number and gave ofm info booth email, that way people won’t get upset that news is calling me, 97 people listed as attending will attract attention and we should get media coverage. I will also send release to news-press assignment editor. I have sent copies of emails sent to info booth. I have done newstip form to nbc 2 and news-press, personal notifications sent to David Bodden and Marisa Kendall.


Propaganda: note how I am handling referral of Susan Anthony, this is how to turn her story into propaganda, proper manipulation of media. Don’t be shy about manipulating the media, they want to be manipulated. We can use her story to point out need for more financial regulation, not less like the Republicans call for.


Amy, here is another assignment from political action, I will set up a task, feel free to delegate and create another admin. Propaganda purpose of this page is to build community ties, develop allies in other groups that sponsor Harry Chapin. Took this action due to many postings about hunger and homeless, obviously this is a problem.!/pages/OFM-Helping-Harry-Chapin-Food-Bank/154724131297787

this page is unpublished, obtain consensus and publish it or not. I recommend this action. I will support it.


I’m ok with the term, but this is an extremely public, visible forum, is all, if outsiders wanted to take issue with the word… The privacy settings have not been set up to exclude errant eyes… But this is a good forum for securing such privacy – it’s just currently open to try to attract more members. But words like propaganda sound a little patronizing of the public, is all. I know the media wants to be manipulated – but their audience will likely bristle at the word.

Excellent, appreciated, contact info. And being “safer” with actions and “image” – this is something I’ve heard repeated time and again among Occupy participants. Presently, the same few individuals have had to shoulder the burden of organization, so it’s been hard for them to see all the angles. Planning and shared responsibility of major actions should make it easier to anticipate and control the image-effects of any given endeavor.

Thank you, Michael.


I’m very much for pushing a “Hunger Drive” – but I think our message should be:
“Folks, people are hurting. Please donate to SOMEWHERE. No need to donate to “our cause”, though we can speak for the good that they do – donate when and where you can – be that at the supermarket at checkout or at your local church or school. Just because the holidays are almost over, doesn’t mean that people are in “need” less." And so on.

There are many places one can donate. People need to know that they don’t have to go out of their way to do so. Who knows if people will track down the Chapin food bank. We can ask them to, seeing as it’s a worthwhile cause, but we should also remind them that anything they can do is appreciated, and they have no excuse – they have opportunities everywhere.


And we should likely voice our appreciation for people that have done so in the past. Plenty of people have donated their food and time to help others this season. It’s happened. We should thank those people and ask others to join with them. The “already donated” people are likely volunteer types, and we should acknowledge them. The “need to donate” folks are potential activism-converts.


My apologies to the political action committee. My failure to plan properly resulted in a botched operation. Figured that since Monday was celebrated holiday, Friday was best. I spoke with Mack’s office on Thursday, and they were very cold, but they could have (should have?) mentioned it. I went to the office and waited for about 15 minutes around 3:30, saw no one, but wanted to be there to apologize to any who didn’t hear.



Once harm has been done, even a fool understands it.


I issued a press release a few minutes ago announcing that I will no longer be associated with your group. When I am ready to take action, I will announce it here in the political action committee, then ofm may decide if they want to participate or not. I can’t wait for consensus, I am an action kind of guy. I will be holding a planning session on 1/3, this will be to form a 3rd party voter registration organization and to plan future actions for the New Year. I will not allow Connie Mack to be this rude to his boss, I shall be writing a letter chastising him again, and releasing copies to the media. I will be issuing new petitions periodically. I am writing suggestions to give to Congress on changes to eliminate National Debt, save Social Security, Medicare, reduce health care cost and improve service delivery, etc. Please begin debating these issues in GA, and as I issue my actions and petitions, you will be ready to debate whether to support them.


I have several initiatives planned for next year. I will be having a meeting on 1/3/12 at Starbucks on Cape, Target Plaza by Pondella and Pine Island to plan and prepare. Those willing to work with me are welcome. Ideas will be considered and refined. No consensus necessary, this actions will occur if I have to act on my own. My conscience won’t allow me to wait for consensus. I may be contacted through facebook, or my email

If your group needs my help or input on any issues, I am happy to help, and I will remember I don’t speak for you. I am no longer a member, just a “fellow traveler”.


Meeting has been changed to 1/4/12 at 7 pm same location. didn’t want to conflict with the violation of Boehner’s rights planned for 1/3.


Did any of you go last night to “GA” downtown ?


no, I am not welcome there. At least that is my perception.


I missed it, as well; I had family arrive in town yesterday.

I thought maybe I’d get the low-down at the internet committee meet, which is/was supposed to be held tonight.

Hi, Holley!