B and T World Seeds
Seed supplier – not the cheapest, but if all else fails…
Bender Living
Eco sound dwelling that cost next to nothing, also design for a ‘tin can’ stove
Photos of Bender Tent construction
Charter 7 UK planning advice, smallholder, low impact builders, caravan and shack dwellers and other low income rural people. Useful DIY book on planning.
Cool Temperate Nursery (UK)
A great fruit/nut tree/bush nursery and project that runs training courses also
Diana’s Organic Garden
Need organic gardening ideas or help? I’ve posted several tips on my websites and blogs. If you have a question, I’ll try to answer it too.
Edible Forest Gardens
Edible Forest Gardens.com is dedicated to offering inspiring and practical information on the vision, ecology, design, and stewardship of perennial polycultures of multipurpose plants in small-scale settings. We intend this website to grow into an information and networking resource for newcomers, amateurs, students, and serious practitioners and researchers alike.
European Social Ecology Institute
Conceived by the bluegreenearth collective in 1991, the institute is beginning to finally get off the ground…
Fertile Fibre (UK)
Produce an reasonable coir based compost. Vegan version. Also fertilisers.
Flora local – wild plants
Flora locale is a registered charity that seeks to restore wild plants and wild-plant communities to lands and landscapes, and by this means raise the biodiversity, environmental quality and enjoyment of town and countryside.
Forest Garden Yahoo group (UK based I think)
Forest Garden Videos (Google search results)
Forest Gardens – Food etc producing system based upon natural ecology design.
video.google.co.uk/videosearch?hl=en&q=forest+garden&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=gzU5SvG7FOXPjAeM4v2ZDQ&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&resnum=10&ct=title# ryborgryborg268
Forest Gardens Information Page
A Page with some downloads on a way to design orchards and gardens to mimic nature.
Forestart (UK)
Tree and shrub seed suppliers, including Monkey Puzzle and Pinues Pinea seed.
Encyclopedia of Fruits of the World
Further reading/info
Greening the planet
Communities who utilise local land for producing food and supporting livestock, in the most ecologically sustainable way.
Grimo Nuts (USA)
Excellent nut tree nursery, also will sell you specific nut cultivar vareties for eating at around $10/lb
Hadopot polythene pots (UK)
…great for tree/shrub useage
Hedging Plants Supplier (UK)
www.buckingham-nurseries.co.uk/acatalog...\ nifers_1.html i23testingcy…
Interview with Ken Fern
Interview with Ken from late 90’s
Interview with Ken Fern part 2
second part of the interview
Keepers Nursery (UK)
Fruit and nut tree/bush nursery.
LBS Garden Warehouse (UK)
Suppliers of many products of interest to growers. Get the paper catalogue as lots of items are not listed on the website.
LBS trade website:
Moorland Gold – reclaimed peat compost (UK)
Native plant postcode database (UK)
Extremely useful for identifying which plants are native to your area (local provinance)
Northern Nut Growers Association (USA)
The Northern Nut Growers Association, Inc. (NNGA) brings together people interested in growing nut trees. Our members include experts in nut tree cultivation, farmers, amateur and commercial nut growers, experiment station workers, horticultural teachers and scientists, nut tree breeders, nurserypeople, foresters, and beginning nut culturists.
Oikos Tree Crops (USA)
Edible and useful tree nursey, many varieties of oak, chestnut, etc. Will consider seed swap.
Old Knobbley
Celebrating the English Oak
Organic Gardening Catalogue (UK)_
The catalogue for organic and environmentally friendly gardeners – organic seeds for vegetables, heritage and modern varieties, herbs, flowers and green manures, organic composts and fertilisers (inlcuding vegan), biological pest controls, organic gardening books and gifts. (Very good!)
Perennial Solutions.This is the new web presence of Eric Toensmeier, author of Perennial Vegetables and co-author of Edible Forest Gardens
Permaculture Association (UK)
Permaculture Magazine (UK)
This leading environmental magazine gets to the heart of permaculture and sustainable living internationally. It features practical thought provoking articles on organic gardening, sustainable agriculture, agroforestry, climate change, peak oil, eco-villages, alternative technology, eco-architecture, personal and community development and much more (Excellent book list)
Plant identifier
I use this website to find out what the name of an unknown plant is. Become a member and start a new thread with the plants pictures in the plant identification section.
ubcbotanicalgarden.org/forums/index... joejive
Plants for a Future, main website – includes the plant database
Potager – the ornamental kitchen garden
A potager is not only a kitchen garden delivering fresh produce for the kitchen. A potager is just as much an ornamental garden. Enjoy my pictures of decorative vegetables in beautiful kitchen gardens.
RHS plantfinder (UK)
RHS Plant Finder exists to put gardeners in touch with growers and suppliers of plants
Reforesting Scotland – Promote sustainable forest culture and economy in a well-forested land (etc) (UK)
Excellent links page!
Renewable energy systems: Scoraig Wind Electric (etc) (Scotland)
Sound geezer – they used to have the only (real) free sharing type free festival in the UK on this remote Highlands peninsula 25 years ago – alas no more it seems! It was very good – a ‘happening’ – free shared communal meals, even one time a big load of home brew lager. Gaky soap was being sold by idiots for a tenner though :( what was needed was loada organic outdoor grown sensi to be donated by peoples, and maybe a mushroom brew overseen by someone like Decker Lynn :) …and the Hawkwind machine of course. Those were the days kids!
Rhora’s Nut Farm & Nursery (USA supply only))
Many varieties of nutting and fruiting trees
Rope (polypropylene etc) and Twine suppliers (UK)
Cheapest and most extensive range supplies I could find!
Royal Forestry Society
Essential reading for UK silverculturists, excellent email list also
Sandeman Seeds
Suppliers of tree etc seed – good for oaks (Based in France)
Schumacher Tree Shrub and Seed Company
Wholesaler of tree seeds – good source for imroved var. Pecan seed.
Sheffield’s Seed Company
Tree etc seed wholesaler
Smallwoods Association and magazine (UK)
The Small Woods Association supports the sustainable management of woodlands and the production and marketing of wood products for local markets. We provide services to woodland owners, practitioners and producers, and we aim to signpost anyone interested in local woods to local groups who encourage access, make products, and provide services or training. We provide input to policy forums, and lobby at all levels to promote the wellbeing of small woodlands and all those who own, manage or work in them. (can be slightly annoying but basically mean well) A WOOWD OF MY OWN ALL MINE AND NO ONE ELSES (articles on bear traps for tresspassers etc)
The Dendrologist Magazine (UK)
Excellent newsletter concerned all matters tree. Lots of useful and otherwise unknowable facts heres
The Future of Farming (BBC film)
Post oil possibilities especially permaculture
The Land is Ours – including the rural housing network – Charter 7 (UK)
Chapter 7, the Planning Office of TLIO, campaigns for a planning system which actively encourages sustainable, low impact and affordable homes.
The Society of Ontario Nut Growers
SONG is a group of about 300 nut enthusiasts that are dedicated to the promotion of nut trees as a source of enjoyment, food, timber and a host of byproducts. We encourage the planting of nut trees as commercial groves, reforestation, landscape plantings and backyard specimen trees. We encourage both the commercial grower as well as the hobbyist.
Thornhayes Nursery (UK)
Huge range of broadleaf, conifer and fruit trees
Walcot Organic Fruit Tree Nursery
Wildflower Seed/Plants for sale (UK)
Landlife charity social enterprise
Windysmithy (UK)
Makes excellent small stoves (with oven also – rare) plus coppice working handtools etc
WiserEarth . . . serves the people who are transforming the world. It is a community directory and networking forum that maps and connects non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and individuals addressing the central issues of our day: climate change, poverty, the environment, peace, water, hunger, social justice, conservation, human rights and more. Content is created and edited by people like you
Woodlots (South East UK)
Promoting local timber and wood products grown sustainably
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