Simple software to help start local permaculture actions

What are some software tools that people can use to catalyze actions in their local community to start or support permaculture efforts where they live?

Hi, I’m aware of some software tools that are designed for small to mid-sized communities to help the people in them take action to support a sustainable local ecology and reduce food waste. I wanted to share them with you here, since many have been developed only within the last few years. Please add to this discussion by sharing your own. :)

WordPress SeedBank plugin

Paraphrased from

New software for the Cleveland Seed Bank, a seed saving initiative, has been released to the public as an open source website plugin that can turn any WordPress site into a community seed bank. The software, called WP-SeedBank, was conceived by Marilyn McHugh, Executive Director and Co-Founder of The Hummingbird Project (THP) and is being maintained by me, Meitar Moscovitz.

Currently the software allows users to create a profile, upload seeds individually or from a spreadsheet to share, search the available seeds using several categories, make seed requests and provides the opportunity to get, swap or sell seed varieties. This verbage is also customizable to suit a particular community’s needs. Much like Craigslist, we provide a platform for seed exchanges and rely on users to sort out the terms and logistic of the swap.

I like to call the WP-SeedBank software “a distributed Craigslist for the anti-Monsanto crowd.” :) A wonderful article about the WP-SeedBank was published on

Food Rescue Bot

Paraphrased from its GitHub readme:

The Food Rescue Robot is a Rails 3 web application for managing the logistics of just-in-time (i.e., warehouse-less) food rescue. It keeps track of donors, recipients, a pickup and delivery schedule, and all the volunteers responsible for doing the work. It sends reminders to users about their pickups. The site also logs how much food is rescued, and can automatically issue receipts for donations.

This is pretty cool. Thank you for sharing!


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Thank you for sharing these fantastic initiatives! It’s inspiring to see how technology can be leveraged to that’s not my neighbor support sustainable practices and reduce food waste.


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