Translation interview 07 / Traducción entrevista 07

Link to interview 07 / Enlace a entrevista 07:


00:00:08.119 —> 00:00:10.800
Ok so in my case it wasn’t a situation of being arrested…

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I was sentenced to a short short sentence…

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a seven and a half month sentece…

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and… well I entered prison voluntarily.

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I was able to decide… the prison…

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where and when I’d be.

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They even told me what time to come.

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I mean I was… I knew what was going on.

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Anyways…on the one hand I’d say that…

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it didn’t help me at all to enter voluntarily.

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They didn’t care at all…

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and well my arrival was…

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a first impact.

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I mean I think they do it on purpose,

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they’ve studied it well.

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And they’re really looking for it to hit you hard,

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so that you’re shocked,

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and docile from the moment you enter.

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I turned myself in at the Quatre Camins prison (outside Barcelona)

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shortly after dinner.

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I went directly to the reception wing…

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and at the reception wing…

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there I spent two nights alone in a…

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two person cell,

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and well my first impression…

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the first thing they do is give you something to eat.

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You sleep.

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And when you wake up…

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the first thing you see are huge cockroaches.

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eating the rests of your diner.

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In a way it reminds you where you are.

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This isn’t a hotel or anything like it.

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For me, the experience left its mark.

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It made me… write… the first lines were

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reflections of my inprisonment.

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You spend two days in the reception wing,

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and during these days they interview you and

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decide where to stick you.

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From there I went directly to wing number 4.

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I don’t know if you’d like me to explain how they organize the wings?

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In theory… in Quatre Camins there were 8 wings in total.

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In theory they are organized in 4 different classifications,

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depending on the level of socialization.

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So according to this scale I was sent to number 4,

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I insist… in theory, where people are more…

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I mean it might not be the most civilized description, but

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they’re the most normal, with the most social skills.

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The most capable of coexisting…

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Then there are the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth wings…

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each with a specific function.

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Wing number five is for disciplining…

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Now of course things have changed but then…

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One was for blood crimes…

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another for sexual violence…

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and another for people with addiction problems.

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How much do we interact?

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well there are two moments in the day…

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which is the time they take you all to the yard of the reception wing.

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And there is where you have your second impression

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because for a person who isn’t…

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I mean I don’t consider myself a professional delinquent, you got me?

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I’m a criminal because they convicted me of a crime and

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I’ve served my sentence for this crime…

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But I don’t think of myself as a professional…

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I mean… for the crime that landed me in jail…

00:04:18.589 —> 00:04:24.100
So obviously inside you meet people that are completely immersed in the world of crime.

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And obviously this strikes you…

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and you find yourself surrounded by prisoners

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and you ask yourself how did I end up here?

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There are two moments… one is the yard

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and the other is when you go to the showers…

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These are the only two moments you have any interaction…

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and the first chance to make… contacts…

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Its approximately four meters long…

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two meters wide.

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Its a prefabricated bloque…

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and there is no insolation…

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just a layer of paint.

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The only things that…

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that are built in to the bloque…

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is well a small separation wall, a meter and a half tall…

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a small… sink

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and the only other construction

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are two small dividers that serve as shelf space or cabinet.

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for a washbasin…

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where you have to wash up…

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and take water for drink

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Then there is also a built in… completely austere, and uncomfortable…

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another small shelf for your things

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or to be used as a desk, or for the things you buy in the commissary.

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The floor is ceramic…

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so it’s obviously cold…

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and the only heating system is

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a small tube that passed along the ground

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that… when they decide to turn on… in theory heats a little.

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So what happens is its one of the things they like to play with

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so when its really cold, it breaks by chance…

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and when it’s hot, it suddenly works really well.

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It’s the same story with the showers They also like to play with this…

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It’s one of the ways they have to remind you…

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remind you, you shouldn’t be having fun.

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I mean they’ve got you in the frying pan…

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and they can humiliate you however they wish…

00:07:00.670 —> 00:07:04.330
So the bunk beds are… metal

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they’re usually two stories…

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with a bed on the bottom and top.

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Really simple.

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And the mattresses… are really an embarrassment…

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max they’re 10 cm wide, of foam.

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And well with the metal structure, well…

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they are perfect for sleeping badly…

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and uncomfortable.

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So with the lights, there is one outside above the door.

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They can decide to turn on and off the lights as they please.

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Especially to bother you.

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The only thing to do

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is try and find a way to block the light from the hall.

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Block the window with cardboard, tied to the door…

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So that from your bed…

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I mean you learn the system from people who’ve

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been there a long time.

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you can open and close it…

00:08:04.350 —> 00:08:07.640
So that you can control when the light from the hallway comes in…

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when you don’t want it.

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Let me see. If you’d let me the laugh…

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One of the things I always say…

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is today, prison is…

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especially for the young…

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there are a lot…

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a lot of entreprenuers.

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A lot of prisoners are entreprenuers.

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The only error they’ve made is to…

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mistake… a mistake in the type of business they’ve chosen.

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I mean there are so many youth, involved…

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in the case of narco-trafficking,

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robbery, car theft… or robbing valuable goods…

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These are … examples of self employment. I mean,

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there are a lot of youth who in the face of not having many

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there are a lot of youth who in the face of not having many economic opportunities…

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they become self-employed..

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They made a mistake in the industry…

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and well they might have ended up getting hooked,

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and has ended up in prison…

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there is definitely a large segment that is in this situation…

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I mean the topic of drug addiction…

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evidently a lot of them started comitting crimes

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because of their addictions… and they enter in a vicious dynamic…

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I mean if someone doesn’t help them to get out…

00:10:01.510 —> 00:10:08.430
There are people that don’t know they’ve committed a crime…

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and well of course there are people that lose the plot…

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and there are some that…

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well for lack of a minimum level of culture…

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end up living in this dynamic of delinquency.

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So you wanted to know about the pros…

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Let me see… one of the things you can’t expect when you enter…

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and no-one tells you about… I don’t know if this is useful but…

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It’s important to understand there are two different groups…

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of functionaries…

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there are those…

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that are guards,…

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and others that are part of treatment services…

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You have to understand the difference.

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And understand how to treat one group or the other…

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So the guards…

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Man… its really… its really significant that…

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they are really belligerent if you call them by their name…

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If you call them guards, you’ll be crucified…

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You can’t.

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You have to call them functionaries…

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when in reality functionaries is a generic terminology…

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and when really…

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listen.. they are guards.

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That’s the fucking reality.

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They open and close your cell door…

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and they monitor your behavior…

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and they discipline you.

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I mean we should be able to call them what they are.

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But no way…

00:12:01.960 —> 00:12:03.640
If you’d let me continue…

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I’ll tell you I’m convinced…

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I mean I didn’t research it…

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but I’m sure that if we looked at the requirements for…

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00:12:12.910 —> 00:12:14.910

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being a guard…

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for sure one of the indispensable traits for being a guard…

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is being a sloth… lazy..

00:12:21.140 —> 00:12:23.880
because it’s really impressive…

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I mean I feel bad because…

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to be honest, as in any group there were good people,

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respectable people who in the end you build a relationship with…

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but shit…

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things are what they are..

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and as I insisted before…

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like with any big group.. I also came across…

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some authentic sickos.

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Some people with some real problems…

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That under no circumstances should be allowed to be work this job…

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they provoke and humiliate prisoners for no reason..

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or use violence when there is no need.

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I mean obviously, the thing is…

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its complicated.

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I said it was important to make a distinction between

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the guards and the treatment team…

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The treatment teams are made up of

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an educator as tutor…

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a social worker…

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a psychologist, and a jurist…

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These… are the…

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let’s say the paradigm of the…

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They make the terms

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really clear.

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The procedures are very clear.

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They don’t deviate from the script at all..

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They maximize the length of all the procedures and paperwork…

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within the perimeters of the law.

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And they work the minimum possible.

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The truth is they…

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are more prepared theoretically…

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even if at times it seems otherwise.

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Theoretically they’re better trained than the guards,

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and they’ve got some specific studies,

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and the truth is that this better preparation…

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A lot of the time makes them work …

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with a certain cynicism…

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And the lack of attention for the prisoners gives you goosebumps.

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They’re conscious of their position of superiority

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they treat you like shit.

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They put it really clear, “listen,

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you don’t reach even the sole of my shoe,

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and there’s a reason you’re here.”

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Now, you gave this the best description… it’s routine.

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And its brutal.

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Its pure and hard routine.

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The only way to be is…

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this is where we enter the valorization of what

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it means exactly to spend time in the…

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But from the beginning the main…

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for a prisoner…

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is to occupy their time.

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I wrote a…

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that my understanding…

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I mean more than a loss of freedom,

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what this is all about is the prohibition of all communication.

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Because up to a certain point you have certain freedom…

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because you can create your own routine to occupy your time.

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For me the option I chose was to try and…

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keep myself as occupied as possible.

00:15:58.470 —> 00:16:01.170
Like… like a self-employed worker…

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Like the independent professional that I am…

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I needed to feel occupied.

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I wasn’t capable of passing hours without doing anything.

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Alone doing laps in my head I would have…

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ended up more crazy than I am.

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And this would have been fucked.

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I would have been fucked…

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In the same vein, I’d also say that…

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I think of myself as being lucky because I had some help.

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Because it could be that it

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facilitated my access to different activities.

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If not through preference, with at least a minimum quickness in comparison to the standard.

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And this allowed me to create a routine.

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One of the first things I remember doing…

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was to create a hourly schedule.

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I hung it in the cell.

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I wanted to have all my time occupied.

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To always have something to do…

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somewhere to be…

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to make that…

00:17:06.700 —> 00:17:09.950
So that the time will pass as quickly as possible.

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I’ve told you about my sentence…

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even though for me it was really long

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It was very short compared to the average…

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they were six and a half months…

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225 days to be exact.

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And I can promise you they were the 225 longest days of all my life.

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It got to the point where I…

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counted the days…

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counted the weeks, and one of the activities that I did

00:17:40.450 —> 00:17:42.970
was make a calendar and I marked the days…

00:17:42.970 —> 00:17:45.270
the days I had left, the days that passed…

00:17:45.270 —> 00:17:48.520
the weeks… I also counted them…

00:17:48.520 —> 00:17:51.620
time was an absession

00:17:57.150 —> 00:17:58.420

00:17:59.200 —> 00:18:02.970
so the topic of visits is another demonstration

00:18:04.020 —> 00:18:09.770
of how in the end its all about the restriction of communications.

00:18:09.770 —> 00:18:13.300
This restriction of communication… of contact…

00:18:13.300 —> 00:18:15.370
I mean look, I’ve started talking in spanish.

00:18:15.370 —> 00:18:18.150
You asked me in spanish and now I’m responding in spanish…

00:18:18.150 —> 00:18:19.700
If you don’t mind I’m going to return to catalan…

00:18:22.770 —> 00:18:24.620
The thing is that…

00:18:24.620 —> 00:18:27.570
In the end the visits you’re allowed…

00:18:27.570 —> 00:18:31.970
Concretely I’m always talking about the situation in Quatre Camins

00:18:31.970 —> 00:18:35.700
and referring to the normal visiting rules…

00:18:35.700 —> 00:18:40.200
because I didn’t experience any disciplinary actions…

00:18:40.200 —> 00:18:43.570
that one of the things they do is to restrict you the visits

00:18:44.870 —> 00:18:47.400
You can receive visitis…

00:18:47.400 —> 00:18:49.720
two times a week, on the weekend.

00:18:49.720 —> 00:18:51.720
Saturday and Sunday…

00:18:53.570 —> 00:18:55.800
The visits last…

00:18:55.800 —> 00:18:57.450
half an hour.

00:19:00.120 —> 00:19:03.470
To visit you your visitors…

00:19:03.470 —> 00:19:05.790
come to see you for half an hour…

00:19:05.790 —> 00:19:08.840
they’ve got to be at the prison a half hour early.

00:19:09.770 —> 00:19:12.170
So between having to get to the prison,

00:19:12.170 —> 00:19:15.610
because its far away from…

00:19:15.610 —> 00:19:17.610
from any urban nucleus…

00:19:18.750 —> 00:19:21.710
plus its really poorly connected to public transport

00:19:21.710 —> 00:19:25.400
there is only a bus service with a reduced schedule…

00:19:25.400 —> 00:19:29.210
Its really complicated to arrive with public transport.

00:19:29.710 —> 00:19:33.920
With the time of pre-visit, and the trip…

00:19:35.310 —> 00:19:38.920
and the return trip, obviously

00:19:38.920 —> 00:19:41.580
it penalizes a lot…

00:19:41.580 —> 00:19:45.500
the initiative to visit…

00:19:45.500 —> 00:19:48.410
the support, the love…

00:19:48.410 —> 00:19:50.410
to maintain contact and tenderness

00:19:51.680 —> 00:19:54.760
Evidently the actual communication is done ..

00:19:54.760 —> 00:19:56.760
like in the films

00:19:56.760 —> 00:19:58.380
in a…

00:19:58.380 —> 00:20:01.080
in a small cubicle…

00:20:01.080 —> 00:20:04.460
They are dirty… but intentionally dirty…

00:20:04.460 —> 00:20:06.520
they intentionally make the ventilation bad

00:20:06.520 —> 00:20:08.520
so you’re uncomfortable…

00:20:09.640 —> 00:20:12.090
and obviously there is a bullet proof window…

00:20:12.090 —> 00:20:15.360
and a space, not a microphone or anything…

00:20:15.360 —> 00:20:18.250
a space through which you talk.

00:20:18.640 —> 00:20:22.970
I mean its really dirty and rusted…

00:20:22.970 —> 00:20:26.190
so you’re grossed out to get close to it.

00:20:27.960 —> 00:20:29.960
I mean this is…

00:20:29.960 —> 00:20:31.960
really well studied..

00:20:32.600 —> 00:20:35.360
and penalizes your contact.

00:20:38.430 —> 00:20:40.980
I mean there are at least…

00:20:41.600 —> 00:20:44.670
20 or 30 cubicles…

00:20:44.670 —> 00:20:46.670
one next to the other…

00:20:46.670 —> 00:20:47.920
no sound insolation….

00:20:47.920 —> 00:20:50.420
which means that, if you’re not lucky the

00:20:50.420 —> 00:20:52.420
visit next to you might be more people…

00:20:52.420 —> 00:20:56.100
or they’re accustomed to talking with a really loud tone…

00:20:56.100 —> 00:20:59.570
so communicating with your visit is…

00:20:59.570 —> 00:21:01.300
becomes simply impossible.

00:21:01.300 —> 00:21:03.460
And obviously …

00:21:03.460 —> 00:21:05.920
this doesn’t matter to anyone

00:21:11.580 —> 00:21:14.010
The way it works is you…

00:21:14.930 —> 00:21:18.620
15 minutes before the visit…

00:21:20.510 —> 00:21:23.000
the communications department passes a list…

00:21:23.000 —> 00:21:24.750
to the advisor of your wing…

00:21:24.750 —> 00:21:27.400
He calls everyone so they can get ready

00:21:27.970 —> 00:21:30.800
to leave the wing …and go to communications.

00:21:32.100 —> 00:21:33.360
And if…

00:21:33.360 —> 00:21:35.360
like what happened to me a couple of times

00:21:35.360 —> 00:21:36.700
you’re in some sort of activity,

00:21:37.400 —> 00:21:40.910
and the advisor doesn’t know where you are

00:21:40.910 —> 00:21:42.910
and can’t contact you…

00:21:42.910 —> 00:21:45.630
well you can easily miss your visit.

00:21:52.820 —> 00:21:55.300
I mean like I said there are the ordinary visits

00:21:55.300 —> 00:21:57.700
and then the personal visits,

00:21:58.340 —> 00:22:01.480
which are the ones where you can touch each other…

00:22:01.480 —> 00:22:03.560
There are two types of communications

00:22:03.560 —> 00:22:07.240
and you have in the beginning two a month…

00:22:09.480 —> 00:22:11.850
Normally one is a personal…

00:22:11.850 —> 00:22:14.730
and the other is called an intimate…

00:22:14.730 —> 00:22:19.440
which is the one you can have sexual relations with your partner..

00:22:22.680 —> 00:22:26.700
These are an hour and a half…

00:22:28.350 —> 00:22:31.260
If I’m not mistaken… I’d say an hour and a half

00:22:32.880 —> 00:22:35.210
and well in these…

00:22:37.050 —> 00:22:40.460
you can prepare things…

00:22:40.460 —> 00:22:43.070
to give to your visitor.

00:22:43.070 —> 00:22:45.710
You can get things out this way.

00:22:45.710 —> 00:22:48.480
I and my partner…

00:22:49.470 —> 00:22:51.930
I wanted to make it as…

00:22:51.930 —> 00:22:54.140
comfortable for her as possible…

00:22:54.140 —> 00:22:55.930
my loss of freedom

00:22:55.930 —> 00:22:59.150
and so I asked her to return to her country of origin….

00:22:59.150 —> 00:23:01.440
So she could be better off with her family…

00:23:01.440 —> 00:23:04.330
and suffer as little as possible…

00:23:04.330 —> 00:23:06.330
my situation.

00:23:07.080 —> 00:23:09.340
Obviously… it was…

00:23:10.240 —> 00:23:13.870
it was good for her but…

00:23:13.870 —> 00:23:17.640
it was plus of incommunication for me

00:23:23.070 —> 00:23:25.520
Well its like I told you before…

00:23:25.520 —> 00:23:27.520
more than a restriction of freedom

00:23:27.520 —> 00:23:29.850
its a restriction of… commnication…

00:23:29.850 —> 00:23:31.580
Its an isolation.

00:23:31.580 —> 00:23:33.340
Its a penalization.

00:23:33.340 —> 00:23:35.340
Here it might be worth talking about…

00:23:37.840 —> 00:23:43.520
communications with the outside world other than the visits

00:23:44.510 —> 00:23:46.960
The written communications…

00:23:47.950 —> 00:23:50.600
can only be done by post…

00:23:51.630 —> 00:23:55.550
I don’t know, I guess it was a regiment of…

00:23:55.550 —> 00:23:56.440
let me make a joke..

00:23:56.440 —> 00:23:58.440
the organizations of the state…

00:23:58.440 —> 00:24:00.810
they’ve got a deal with the Postal Service,

00:24:01.500 —> 00:24:05.320
because it’s probably the only group that’s still using them,

00:24:05.320 —> 00:24:09.210
other than of course the bills that are online

00:24:09.210 —> 00:24:11.210
and advertising…

00:24:11.210 —> 00:24:13.840
I think that the penitentiary system is the only space

00:24:13.840 —> 00:24:16.030
where people still write letters manually…

00:24:16.030 —> 00:24:17.840
And send them with the ordinary mail…

00:24:19.980 —> 00:24:21.760
You deposit…

00:24:21.760 —> 00:24:22.940
the mail…

00:24:22.940 —> 00:24:25.280
but you never have the certainty

00:24:25.280 —> 00:24:28.110
when it goes out or arrives.

00:24:28.110 —> 00:24:31.520
God forbid you don have an emergency and had to communcate with someone

00:24:32.310 —> 00:24:34.320
they won’t facilitate it in the least.

00:24:34.320 —> 00:24:36.020
For example I had a specific problem

00:24:36.020 —> 00:24:38.200
and I needed to communicate rapidly…

00:24:38.200 —> 00:24:42.900
I asked for authorization to send a mail urgently…

00:24:43.970 —> 00:24:45.250
and they denied me…

00:24:45.250 —> 00:24:47.250
it was impossible.

00:24:53.500 —> 00:24:56.530
The topic of…

00:24:56.530 —> 00:24:58.020

00:24:58.840 —> 00:25:00.600
I think that…

00:25:02.300 —> 00:25:04.470
they flagrantly use it to make you

00:25:04.470 —> 00:25:06.470
more vulnerable…

00:25:08.940 —> 00:25:12.230
They always defend the legal principles….

00:25:12.230 —> 00:25:15.600
but they’re the first ones that exploit the law…

00:25:15.600 —> 00:25:18.520
and they penalize you, sending you far away from your home.

00:25:18.520 —> 00:25:21.210
But this in particular they’ve done…

00:25:21.210 —> 00:25:23.440
with the issue of the prisoners…

00:25:23.440 —> 00:25:26.240
ok… what they call terrorist groups

00:25:26.800 —> 00:25:29.460
the people that… for political claims…

00:25:29.460 —> 00:25:31.840
have chosen the armed struggle…

00:25:31.840 —> 00:25:34.560
Its a group that is totally… totally seperated…

00:25:35.590 —> 00:25:38.530
I think its particularly shameful how they penalize…

00:25:38.530 —> 00:25:40.530
the families…

00:25:40.530 —> 00:25:42.530
in this particular case…

00:25:42.530 —> 00:25:45.410
even if I’m not for armed struggle.

00:25:51.310 —> 00:25:54.640
Its a myth.. that…

00:25:54.640 —> 00:25:56.880
being close to an urban nucleus…

00:25:58.860 —> 00:26:00.720
could facilitate an escape…

00:26:01.420 —> 00:26:02.630
Let’s see…

00:26:02.630 —> 00:26:04.140
We have the example of La Modelo (prison in Barcelona)

00:26:04.140 —> 00:26:06.180
in the middle of Eixample (a central Barcelona neighborhood)

00:26:06.180 —> 00:26:09.530
I mean at one point there were spectacular escape attempts…

00:26:09.530 —> 00:26:11.770
like from the movies…

00:26:12.320 —> 00:26:15.030
like the time they escaped through the …

00:26:15.780 —> 00:26:17.460
I don’t think that its…

00:26:17.460 —> 00:26:18.870
that it’s possible.

00:26:19.470 —> 00:26:22.750
One of the reasons coud be that are big installations…

00:26:22.750 —> 00:26:24.750
and they need a lot of area…

00:26:24.750 —> 00:26:29.260
in the less urban areas its easier to get the land…

00:26:31.250 —> 00:26:32.910

00:26:35.210 —> 00:26:38.300
if they built them well… with the tools they have today…

00:26:38.300 —> 00:26:40.300
I don’t think its necessary…

00:26:40.300 —> 00:26:42.160
to put them far away..

00:26:42.160 —> 00:26:44.160
For example in the case of Quatre Camins

00:26:44.160 —> 00:26:46.320
its paradigmatic the topic of access…

00:26:47.000 —> 00:26:49.850
There’s no entrance that’s adequately marked…

00:26:49.850 —> 00:26:52.320
or easily accessible…

00:26:53.540 —> 00:26:58.920
All they’ve done is to take advantage of already existing small roads…

00:27:02.540 —> 00:27:06.100
Disconnected and with all kids of 90 degree turns.

00:27:08.120 —> 00:27:10.380
Making it not really easy to get to…

00:27:11.070 —> 00:27:13.820
Of course the justification is probably…

00:27:13.820 —> 00:27:17.040
to make an escape more dificult.

00:27:24.550 —> 00:27:28.130
I did a little research… there inside its really dificult…

00:27:28.130 —> 00:27:30.290
but to get just a little bit of information…

00:27:30.290 —> 00:27:33.310
of this scam they have called…

00:27:33.310 —> 00:27:36.440
Center for Rehabilitation Initiatives…

00:27:37.130 —> 00:27:38.440
abreviated CIRE.

00:27:40.530 —> 00:27:44.760
Right now its funny to say it but one of the things that is said…

00:27:45.610 —> 00:27:50.460
this is one of the businesses of the sons…

00:27:50.460 —> 00:27:53.560
of the ex-president, Jordi Pujol (ex-president of catalunya).

00:27:53.560 —> 00:27:55.300
They were part of this…

00:27:55.300 —> 00:27:56.320
of this scam.

00:27:57.360 —> 00:28:00.790
I don’t know if its an urban legend that’s spread…

00:28:00.790 —> 00:28:02.920
but, seeing how things are…

00:28:02.920 —> 00:28:04.420
it could easily be so…

00:28:07.300 —> 00:28:09.060
I wanted to learn about this…

00:28:09.680 —> 00:28:14.080
because my work is in business appraisals…

00:28:14.080 —> 00:28:17.100
and although I don’t do labor appraisals…

00:28:19.890 —> 00:28:21.970
Its really significant that…

00:28:21.970 —> 00:28:24.020
in a public center…

00:28:24.020 —> 00:28:27.260
business can have access to cheap labor…

00:28:27.260 —> 00:28:31.570
especially as cheap as it is inside.

00:28:32.450 —> 00:28:35.930
With th theory that they want you to rehabilitate…

00:28:37.240 —> 00:28:40.250
and want you to learn how to work…

00:28:41.540 —> 00:28:44.440
iin reality what they’re really doing is exploting you.

00:28:45.910 —> 00:28:47.770
And someone makes money with this exploitation.

00:28:48.710 —> 00:28:50.940
if you want to talk about rehabilitation.

00:28:52.840 —> 00:28:55.930
But if you want to talk about rehabilitation…

00:28:58.280 —> 00:29:00.030
You’d have to give a real option…

00:29:00.030 —> 00:29:02.030
outside of penitentiary centers…

00:29:02.030 —> 00:29:04.520
they could contract them in the same conditions…

00:29:05.680 —> 00:29:08.120
And that’s what I’ve worked on.

00:29:09.190 —> 00:29:10.490
Can we have…

00:29:11.400 —> 00:29:14.730
the same working conditions you have inside of…

00:29:16.240 —> 00:29:18.030
the penitentiary centers…

00:29:20.430 —> 00:29:23.730
arguing that what you’re doing with work…

00:29:23.730 —> 00:29:25.730
is social integration…

00:29:25.730 —> 00:29:28.920
and give employment opportunities to under-served communities?

00:29:30.540 —> 00:29:31.930
But the response is no.

00:29:32.930 —> 00:29:34.260

00:29:35.180 —> 00:29:37.780
Because somebody wants to take advantage…

00:29:37.780 —> 00:29:39.660
because somebody wants to make business out of it…

00:29:39.660 —> 00:29:41.660
because the real goal isn’t rehabilitation….

00:29:41.660 —> 00:29:44.090
because the real goal its purely about profit…

00:29:50.360 —> 00:29:53.880
The professionals of the treatment team…

00:29:53.880 —> 00:29:57.560
if the treatment team heard me say this they’s be really angry…

00:29:57.560 —> 00:30:01.120
But If they’re honest and they reflected…

00:30:01.120 —> 00:30:03.500
I think they’d admit that…

00:30:04.940 —> 00:30:07.610
if they’d evaluate the results…

00:30:08.610 —> 00:30:10.990
well their work is really useless.

00:30:10.990 —> 00:30:15.760
Their work doesn’t come close to its goal.

00:30:21.090 —> 00:30:23.950
In theory there is a system set up…

00:30:25.180 —> 00:30:28.110
that they call programs…

00:30:28.110 —> 00:30:31.880
programs focused on different types of crimes…

00:30:33.470 —> 00:30:36.910
What’s clear is that they don’t care about the law…

00:30:36.910 —> 00:30:38.910
because it doesn’t say anywhere that you can’t…

00:30:38.910 —> 00:30:42.800
get special permissions… until you’ve finished the rehabilitation programs…

00:30:44.430 —> 00:30:45.870
but they do it like his…

00:30:45.870 —> 00:30:47.710
You can’t get any permissions…

00:30:47.710 —> 00:30:50.930
until you’ve finished one of the rehabilitation programs.

00:30:52.850 —> 00:30:56.650
And I’ll tell you that nowhere does the law say that…

00:30:58.320 —> 00:31:00.740
They also…

00:31:00.740 —> 00:31:04.680
they don’t have any interest in making things move fluidly…

00:31:04.680 —> 00:31:06.800
they program them…

00:31:06.800 —> 00:31:08.650
all because they don’t want to work an extra hour

00:31:08.650 —> 00:31:10.840
and they schedule the programs…

00:31:10.840 —> 00:31:13.570
separated one from the other…

00:31:14.910 —> 00:31:17.800
So its really hard to get a space….

00:31:20.610 —> 00:31:22.990
so you can understand, I’ll explain it this way…

00:31:24.430 —> 00:31:25.720

00:31:26.420 —> 00:31:28.830
They decide what I need…

00:31:28.830 —> 00:31:31.460
I needed a program for delinquent behavior…

00:31:31.460 —> 00:31:33.980
I couldn’t get one… I finished my entire sentence…

00:31:33.980 —> 00:31:37.630
and I couldn’t access the program they’d proposed for me.

00:31:37.630 —> 00:31:39.630
And for this reason I finished the entire sentence…

00:31:39.630 —> 00:31:42.110
and I couldn’t progress up a level…

00:31:42.110 —> 00:31:45.790
so I got out in the end without any kind of rehabilitation…

00:31:46.680 —> 00:31:49.140
I offered myself…

00:31:49.140 —> 00:31:52.660
as they couldn’t offer me the program inside the prison…

00:31:52.660 —> 00:31:55.770
to let me progress up a level…

00:31:55.770 —> 00:31:58.300
they shoud have let me do it outside…

00:31:58.300 —> 00:32:00.890
and if they couldn’t afford it.

00:32:00.890 —> 00:32:06.290
I could have assumed the costs, because I wanted to do it.

00:32:08.360 —> 00:32:10.680
I mean I guess its not a typical case….

00:32:12.740 —> 00:32:15.940
But it demonstrates the situation….

00:32:16.970 —> 00:32:20.530
The non-functional… bureaucratic structures that they use…

00:32:21.940 —> 00:32:24.050
Obviously they denied everything I applied for.

00:32:24.050 —> 00:32:26.050
They wouldn’t let me do anything.

00:32:30.920 —> 00:32:34.210
I mean in my situation…

00:32:34.210 —> 00:32:36.930
my sentence was for seven months and a half… 225 days…

00:32:37.790 —> 00:32:41.540
and of these 225 days I was imprisoned for 223 of them.

00:32:45.020 —> 00:32:48.740
On the 218th day… my sentence…

00:32:49.700 —> 00:32:52.590
they gave me a special leave…

00:32:52.590 —> 00:32:54.780
from the 218th to the 220th, 48 hours…

00:32:56.020 —> 00:33:00.770
When I only had a week left to finish my sentence…. I got out for two days…

00:33:03.880 —> 00:33:08.880
and returned to finish the little that I had left….

00:33:08.880 —> 00:33:11.650
Of the 225 days that I explained to you…

00:33:11.650 —> 00:33:14.480
the first two days I was in the reception wing.

00:33:14.480 —> 00:33:22.450
And from the third day until the 194th was in the fourth wing.

00:33:23.340 —> 00:33:26.880
From the 195th day to the 225th…

00:33:26.880 —> 00:33:29.710
I was in what they call the “MSOB”

00:33:29.710 —> 00:33:32.600
It’s a semi-open wing…

00:33:34.370 —> 00:33:39.770
The most shameful thing you can imagine.

00:33:39.770 —> 00:33:45.340
Its one of the things we should talk about when we denounce prisons.

00:33:45.340 —> 00:33:48.910
I’ll explain to you why there so discusting and criminal…

00:33:48.910 —> 00:33:53.820
These semi-open wings are something we should really talk about….

00:33:53.820 —> 00:33:57.680
the psychologist…

00:33:57.680 —> 00:34:01.310
the cynical head of the treatment team…

00:34:01.310 —> 00:34:04.250
didn’t feel any shame in taking me out of the fourth wing…

00:34:04.250 —> 00:34:07.540
telling me that in the semi-open wing I’d be better off.

00:34:10.080 —> 00:34:12.199
It was the hardest part of my entire sentence.

00:34:12.199 —> 00:34:14.199
Luckily they only lasted 31 days…

00:34:14.199 —> 00:34:16.540
but it was the hardest part of the sentence.

00:34:17.480 —> 00:34:19.020
To have to…

00:34:19.020 —> 00:34:21.650
If you really want me…

00:34:21.650 —> 00:34:23.650
yes…yes… of course…

00:34:27.370 —> 00:34:34.590
ok… their scam says that once you’ve done their rehabilitation programs…

00:34:35.460 —> 00:34:36.370
well in my case…

00:34:37.060 —> 00:34:38.150

00:34:38.150 —> 00:34:41.389
they realized they weren’t going to give you the treatment you…

00:34:43.820 —> 00:34:45.969
quote “need” …

00:34:46.880 —> 00:34:50.620
you have access to the semi-open wing… in theory its the first step…

00:34:52.370 —> 00:34:55.110
towards preparing you to return to freedom.

00:34:56.590 —> 00:34:58.170
In theory, ok?

00:34:59.550 —> 00:35:02.660
But in the end they put together people in the same wing

00:35:02.660 —> 00:35:05.240
some are leaving everyday to work…

00:35:06.950 —> 00:35:10.370
and others that are leaving on the weekends…

00:35:10.370 —> 00:35:13.220
to live with their families…

00:35:13.220 —> 00:35:19.530
and then there are some that are enjoying special permissions…

00:35:19.530 —> 00:35:24.990
of three or six days that they give out bureaucratically in a cycle…

00:35:24.990 —> 00:35:27.550
approximately every 60 days…

00:35:27.550 —> 00:35:31.590
and they are people that still have… years of sentence to complete…

00:35:33.820 —> 00:35:36.350
What are the characteristics of the semi-open wing…

00:35:36.350 —> 00:35:39.950
I mean because theoretically these are people ready to be in the street.

00:35:39.950 —> 00:35:43.130
But there is absolutely no activity…

00:35:44.330 —> 00:35:48.790
I mean, either you search for something to do…

00:35:49.790 —> 00:35:53.970
or simply its from the cell to the yard from the yard to the cell…

00:35:53.970 —> 00:35:57.730
They’ve got a gymnasium… but you can’t really call it a gymnasium…

00:35:57.730 —> 00:36:01.710
I mean there are some…

00:36:01.710 —> 00:36:05.440
static machines…

00:36:05.440 —> 00:36:06.910
but nothing really… its a shame…

00:36:09.620 —> 00:36:11.440
there’s a yard for the wing as well…

00:36:11.440 —> 00:36:13.440
with a lot more people than the other wings…

00:36:13.440 —> 00:36:16.240
and smaller than the other yards…

00:36:17.530 —> 00:36:22.590
so its dificult to move around without being constantly concious…

00:36:22.590 —> 00:36:27.240
of not running into the other people in the same space…

00:36:28.570 —> 00:36:31.220
There is a library that is

00:36:33.170 —> 00:36:36.770
half the size of the…

00:36:36.770 —> 00:36:41.090
of Quatre Camins’ central prison libraryb…

00:36:42.200 —> 00:36:47.180
The newest book they have is like…

00:36:47.180 —> 00:36:49.400
20 or 30 years…

00:36:50.610 —> 00:36:53.340
I mean the material that you can access…

00:36:53.340 —> 00:36:57.220
If you don’t have someone bringing things from outside…

00:36:57.220 —> 00:37:00.290
You can’t take advantage of the time…

00:37:00.290 —> 00:37:02.370
In the end the only thing you can do is write…

00:37:02.370 —> 00:37:05.700
There’s also a tech room…

00:37:05.700 —> 00:37:08.720
in which the newest computer…

00:37:08.720 —> 00:37:10.700
is probably 15 years old…

00:37:12.250 —> 00:37:17.480
and evidently with really basic techincal capacities…

00:37:18.540 —> 00:37:22.740
and obviously without access to internet…

00:37:25.820 —> 00:37:30.500
There are around 15 work spaces…

00:37:30.500 —> 00:37:34.200
for a group of at least 360 prisoners…

00:37:35.280 —> 00:37:36.890
you see the ratio.

00:37:36.890 —> 00:37:40.980
Plus not only do you have to apply they have to accept you…

00:37:40.980 —> 00:37:45.730
It takes a lot of time to be able to access…

00:37:45.730 —> 00:37:49.600
And this is all you can do in the semi-open wing.

00:37:49.600 —> 00:37:53.170
At the same time… and they obviously know it…

00:37:53.170 —> 00:37:56.480
they obligate you to live together… for example…

00:37:58.320 —> 00:38:00.440
I mean obviously with the drugs…

00:38:00.440 —> 00:38:06.080
They know perfectly that given people enter and exit all the time…

00:38:06.080 —> 00:38:08.500
and given that they don’t have enough resources…

00:38:08.500 —> 00:38:12.020
the drugs are flowing and they know it…

00:38:14.400 —> 00:38:19.090
They make you live with drug addicts…

00:38:19.090 —> 00:38:23.880
without caring about what you’re accustomed to.

00:38:25.440 —> 00:38:30.340
There for example they let you choose whether you want to be in a smoking cell or not…

00:38:31.940 —> 00:38:34.760
I’m telling you in the last 31 days I was forced to live with…

00:38:34.760 —> 00:38:38.250
I mean the cells are for four people and the
living together is more complicated…

00:38:41.040 —> 00:38:45.700
Ok… even more there’s no distinction between the crimes that you are…

00:38:45.700 —> 00:38:46.980
accused of committing….

00:38:46.980 —> 00:38:49.420
So I ended up living with a profile of people…

00:38:49.420 —> 00:38:53.250
that didn’t correspond to my profile…

00:38:53.250 —> 00:38:55.970
or the profile of people
I lived with in the wing…

00:38:55.970 —> 00:38:57.970
I mean if you pay attention… its this way with everything…

00:39:00.120 —> 00:39:01.540
There’s no crime seperation…

00:39:01.540 —> 00:39:04.450
no separation of drug addicts…

00:39:06.810 —> 00:39:08.050
no activity…

00:39:10.280 —> 00:39:12.680
Its a punishment wing…

00:39:12.680 —> 00:39:14.900
and they know it…

00:39:16.140 —> 00:39:18.360
But they still tell you…

00:39:18.360 —> 00:39:20.880
The cynical psychologist tells you that you’ll do really well…

00:39:27.290 —> 00:39:31.770
The way it works inside is…

00:39:31.770 —> 00:39:34.850
after the initial two months in reception…

00:39:34.850 —> 00:39:37.330
they are obligated to give you the initial classification…

00:39:39.740 —> 00:39:42.890
As I told you… I opted to enter voluntarily…

00:39:44.080 —> 00:39:46.980
and I did it thinking they’d consider this,

00:39:46.980 —> 00:39:50.080
or give me some sort of benefit.

00:39:51.380 —> 00:39:56.320
I entered convinced that after two months of this…

00:39:56.320 —> 00:39:59.450
that my initial classification would put me directly

00:39:59.450 —> 00:40:04.400
in the category of early release and I’d end up going to prison

00:40:04.400 —> 00:40:12.270
just to sleep… and be allowed out on the weekends…

00:40:19.040 —> 00:40:23.150
We can say it was a coincidence, although I don’t think it was av coincidence..

00:40:23.150 —> 00:40:27.760
coincidence… the thing is I don’t have the clues to confirm this….

00:40:27.760 —> 00:40:34.280
but the case is, just when they were finishing my initial classification

00:40:35.480 —> 00:40:38.030
they put me on a disciplinary routine…

00:40:39.160 —> 00:40:42.090
for a really stupid thing…

00:40:42.090 —> 00:40:44.600
If I explained it to you, you wouldn’t believe me…

00:40:44.600 —> 00:40:50.270
for not having taken a piece of bread during a Sunday breakfast…

00:40:51.180 —> 00:40:52.400

00:40:52.400 —> 00:40:56.270
When I’d been in the hospital…

00:40:57.300 —> 00:41:01.410
the penitentiary hospital…

00:41:01.410 —> 00:41:04.430
They told me to change my diet…

00:41:07.080 —> 00:41:11.240
I don’t want to enter in details… but I’d explain it…

00:41:11.240 —> 00:41:13.930
but It’s completely inconsistent

00:41:13.930 —> 00:41:16.180
So they opened a disciplinary case…

00:41:17.420 —> 00:41:22.330
And so in the initial classification they put me in the second class….

00:41:22.330 —> 00:41:24.330
The category you enter with…

00:41:25.370 —> 00:41:28.110
but for me it was because of a disciplinary case…

00:41:30.160 —> 00:41:32.960
As a result I lost any possibility to progress to the third degree…

00:41:32.960 —> 00:41:37.060
which would have made my sentence much more bareable.

00:41:39.560 —> 00:41:42.520
A coincidence… I don’t think so… I think someone was following

00:41:42.520 —> 00:41:46.840
closely the instructions of the judge that sentenced me…

00:41:46.840 —> 00:41:48.700
Because my sentencing judge…

00:41:48.700 —> 00:41:53.960
wouldn’t accept my defense arguments…

00:41:53.960 —> 00:41:57.250
in which I stated that I wasn’t a deliquent.

00:42:01.210 —> 00:42:05.220
And somehow they decided…

00:42:05.220 —> 00:42:07.290
that I was going to eat the entire sentence…

00:42:08.050 —> 00:42:11.710
I couldn’t proove it… so this is all speculation…

00:42:11.710 —> 00:42:13.580
a fable I created myself…

00:42:14.760 —> 00:42:17.340
But obviously my feeling is…

00:42:17.340 —> 00:42:19.340
“How does justice work?”

00:42:21.460 —> 00:42:23.240
If anyone heard this…

00:42:23.240 —> 00:42:28.000
if any judge heard this or anyone
from the justice department…

00:42:28.000 —> 00:42:31.600
they’d put their hands on their head and say its impossible, it can’t be.

00:42:35.150 —> 00:42:37.100

00:42:37.100 —> 00:42:41.080
experience in how well the justice department functions…

00:42:46.490 —> 00:42:48.140
I was fried…

00:42:48.140 —> 00:42:50.500
I mean because I’d organized everything thinking

00:42:50.500 —> 00:42:52.410
it would be two months and a half, at the most…

00:42:52.410 —> 00:42:55.890
and I’d be back on the streets to attend my clients…

00:42:55.890 —> 00:42:57.680
I didn’t want to lose my costumers…

00:42:57.680 —> 00:43:00.680
not lose my business activity… of course…

00:43:01.400 —> 00:43:04.110
Evidently it costed me a lot…

00:43:05.490 —> 00:43:09.960
It was almost as hard finding out…

00:43:09.960 —> 00:43:12.930
finding out I had finish the entire sentence…

00:43:12.930 —> 00:43:14.930
When I hadn’t planned to…

00:43:14.930 —> 00:43:17.500
I mean I presented myself on my own voluntarily…

00:43:17.500 —> 00:43:20.670
they penalized me and I served my entire sentence…

00:43:20.670 —> 00:43:25.360
and on top of it all this shit with me finally getting a permit on my last five days

00:43:26.720 —> 00:43:29.070
So what did I do… I got down…

00:43:30.050 —> 00:43:34.670
So my lawyer came by and said he’d make an appeal…

00:43:34.670 —> 00:43:37.070
that he wouldn’t let me be stomped on.

00:43:38.660 —> 00:43:40.760
So I made an official complaint…

00:43:40.760 —> 00:43:44.610
Obviously… since you have a lot of time and so more or less…

00:43:44.610 —> 00:43:46.610
I wrote an 11 page complaint…

00:43:47.740 —> 00:43:51.580
arguing that there wasn’t reason for a disciplinary action…

00:43:53.210 —> 00:43:57.710
The guard on duty… number 1779…

00:43:59.120 —> 00:44:02.840
reduced my 11 pages in two lines and a half…

00:44:05.740 —> 00:44:07.870
I mean it was offensive… Ok…

00:44:12.360 —> 00:44:14.100
They denied my application.

00:44:15.000 —> 00:44:19.100
And my lawyer told me to fight it and appeal again…

00:44:20.560 —> 00:44:23.740
So I presented another appeal that simply consisited…

00:44:23.740 —> 00:44:26.820
in a transfer request….

00:44:27.650 —> 00:44:29.470

00:44:29.470 —> 00:44:31.680
to the judge.

00:44:33.600 —> 00:44:40.000
I mean when I’d served more than half of my sentence… Ok..

00:44:42.090 —> 00:44:43.730
He determined…

00:44:43.730 —> 00:44:46.250
that the original disciplinary action was a mistake

00:44:47.500 —> 00:44:51.450
and an abuse and it didn’t have even a minimal justification….

00:44:52.030 —> 00:44:55.730
And no he didn’t reduce my sentence or pardon me…

00:44:55.730 —> 00:44:58.140
He just declared the disciplary action null and void…

00:45:00.750 —> 00:45:02.720
But I was already fucked.

00:45:02.720 —> 00:45:05.390
Because the classifications they do are every six months…

00:45:06.600 —> 00:45:08.970
The first is after two months and the following after the eighth month…

00:45:09.920 —> 00:45:11.920
and I was free after the seventh month…

00:45:11.920 —> 00:45:15.570
So I never had access to the new classification…

00:45:15.570 —> 00:45:18.980
So I served my entire sentence in second degree…

00:45:25.040 —> 00:45:30.380
I wanted to explain something in regards to the personal…

00:45:30.380 —> 00:45:34.620
interview I had with the penitentiary judge…

00:45:35.490 —> 00:45:37.920
that happened in the same center…

00:45:40.340 —> 00:45:43.320
I was winning the abuse of the guards…

00:45:43.320 —> 00:45:49.980
taking maximum advantage of the penitenciary rules…

00:45:51.210 —> 00:45:53.960
The interviews…

00:45:56.130 —> 00:45:59.700
they do them or in person or via video conference…

00:46:00.820 —> 00:46:07.410
or in person… if the judge is able to come to the prison…

00:46:09.560 —> 00:46:12.300
Effectively I was lucky… at that month…

00:46:12.300 —> 00:46:14.880
the judge was already going to the prison…

00:46:14.880 —> 00:46:17.220
so It was a personal interview.

00:46:18.670 —> 00:46:21.120
I wanted to explain to you the experience…

00:46:21.120 —> 00:46:24.840
the interview was held in the special measure wing.

00:46:24.840 —> 00:46:27.890
Where the prisoners…. have to be seperated…

00:46:27.890 —> 00:46:30.600
in a specific wing… that I didn’t mention earlier…

00:46:30.600 —> 00:46:35.620
where the prisoners are held that because of their former occupation…

00:46:35.620 —> 00:46:37.860
police, guards, etc…

00:46:37.860 —> 00:46:39.890
They can’t live with the other prisoners because they’re

00:46:39.890 —> 00:46:44.770
susceptible to suffer repression, or some sort of type of violence…

00:46:45.960 —> 00:46:48.600
This wing is next to the reception wing…

00:46:49.660 —> 00:46:53.500
and next to that is where they do the interviews…

00:46:55.440 —> 00:46:59.400
Well.. I want to leave clear that… I think there were

00:46:59.400 —> 00:47:01.840
four of us with the judge that day….

00:47:02.960 —> 00:47:06.320
They took the four of us to a waiting room…

00:47:07.460 —> 00:47:10.450
that was the recpetion wing cell…

00:47:10.450 —> 00:47:12.450
with chairs in the place of the beds…

00:47:15.780 —> 00:47:21.090
You can’t imagine the ammount of shit that was in that cell…

00:47:22.530 —> 00:47:25.660
You couldn’t breath because of the smell…

00:47:25.660 —> 00:47:30.980
there was a pigeon in the window which was broken…

00:47:32.490 —> 00:47:35.340
the floor was full of shit…

00:47:35.340 —> 00:47:39.240
you could’t seat because you’d get stuck to the shit on the seats…

00:47:41.820 —> 00:47:42.850
Something disgusting…

00:47:44.320 —> 00:47:46.530
believe me, I wasn’t brave enough…

00:47:46.530 —> 00:47:52.280
I wanted to denounce it in the interview with the judge….

00:47:54.060 —> 00:47:57.760
but it might have interfered with my own process…

00:47:58.670 —> 00:48:00.850
and I was a coward and kept quiet…

00:48:00.850 —> 00:48:03.360
And until the end when we’d finished the interview….

00:48:03.360 —> 00:48:05.740
they were waiting for me to take me back to my cell…

00:48:05.740 —> 00:48:08.520
The judge finished the interviews and left…

00:48:08.520 —> 00:48:13.440
I was tempted to stop him and beg him “please sir”

00:48:14.100 —> 00:48:20.430
plead with him to look… at the waiting area where we were being held…

00:48:22.580 —> 00:48:26.610
I repent having not said something…

00:48:27.480 —> 00:48:29.530
But believe me it stomething someone should explain to them…

00:48:30.560 —> 00:48:32.210

00:48:34.690 —> 00:48:40.740
And evidently It’s not just a failure of some cleaning person…

00:48:40.740 —> 00:48:44.360
its studied, prepared and premeditated…

00:48:45.760 —> 00:48:47.230
Excuse me if I’ve gone on too long…