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Some random descriptions of from the aktivix description generator:

Aktivix provides: and offers services to no commercial, no racist, no nazi, no fascist, no party, no organization with his own structure (who have much money..), no sessis. we have radical organization like anarchist black cross or italian social forum. is a autonomous revolutionary tech collective. / is an autonomous collective with main point of report, social fights and how these are expressed in cyberspace. The collective is also responsible for managing’s services.

So far, the following services are provided :

Greek language, English supported

FREE! supports people who want to use the net as a tool in emancipatory processes. The collective has self-owned infrastructure and operates an own autonomous system with free, open source software (FreeBSD). The infrastructure is operated with a mix of self-generated solar energy and purchased green energy. Technical and administrative work is done unpaid by the FREE!-Boyz and -Girlz. Operating costs (connectivity, energy, hardware, …) are levelled through continuous user donations. FREE! provides a lot of possibilities to use the net of nets for individuals, groups, associations or progressive commercial organizations:

German language, English supported us an autonomous collective providing mail, lists and webspace for their friends. They support progressive and emancipatory groups and inviduals to change the world. The services are provided to the friends of immerda and their friends, which makes it an invite only project.

So far, the following services are provided:

German language, English and French and a little Spanish supported

Isole Nella Rete Project is a place that offers visibility, relations and a chance of rejoice to those who have been fragmented and dispersed by the deep changes occurred in our society – those who are not aligned with the ‘unique thought’, not yet resigned to marginality – those who still can wish to build a REAL movement able to change the current ‘state of things’. represents politics by undogmatic leftists in the internet, including electronic services such as mail-providing and web-hosting. provides virtual space for social movements and the political action on the internet. Madrid. (closed to new subscribers) offers an internet access and an email account to everyone who asks for. Since its beginning in 2002 when the first french laws on monitoring the communications were passed, No-log has a minimum (yet legal) log policy, and tries to inform the users about the surveillance and privacy. intends to immerse itself in that multiverse which exists and organises itself within the web, in order to contribute to this space which embraces cooperation and communication as well as conflicts and struggles. provides digi-political infrastructure and provides tech services to the squat movement.

North America es un área colectiva orientada a promover modos autónomos de generar, distribuir y mantener infraestructuras para desarrollar proyectos técnicos y sociales. Planteamos un servidor autónomo porque decidimos relacionarnos de igual a igual, decidimos evitar usar la tecnología como simples clientes-consumidores; decidimos tomar el control de nuestras vidas y hacernos responsables de lo que hacemos y decimos también en la Red en lugar de conformarnos con lo que nos dan ya hecho; decidimos construir autonomía para informarnos, comunicarnos y apoyarnos mutuamente a través de la Red. has been providing free web hosting for the anarchist left since 1997. flag also provides email and mail lists for the anarchist community. Flag hosts over 50 anarchist sites.

The mission at is to research, create and disseminate information, tools, and tactics that empower people to use technology in a way that is liberating. We support and strengthen our local communities through education and action. We strive to learn from each other and focus our skills toward creative goals, to explore and research positive hacktivism, and to defend a free internet and free society! is an anarchist tech collective centered in New York, Moscow, and L.A. is a project to create democratic alternatives and practice self-determination by controlling our own secure means of communications. It is a small-a anarchist tech collective centered in Seattle. is an anarchist tech collective in Vancouver B.C. is an anarchist tech collective in Toronto, Canada.

South America

entodaspartes es una zona temporalmente autónoma, al mismo tiempo es una herramienta para crear, difundir, distribuir y mantener estructuras sociales basadas en la libertad y el apoyo mutuo. entodaspartes is a temporary autonomous zone, and at the same time a tool to create, spread, distribute and mantain social structures based on freedom and mutual aid


O Saravá é um coletivo multidisciplinar que tem como objetivo otimizar o uso de tecnologias por grupos sociais, focando sempre no aspecto humano da relação homem-máquina. Nossos estudos incluem o compartilhamento de uma mesma estrutura física entre pequenos grupos que possuem finalidades diversas, unindo e economizando recursos tecnológicos.

West Asia


Taharar! (liberate yourself! in Arabic) is an autonomous project that aims to empower individuals, collectives, and groups working on issues of social justice in West Asia and North Africa by providing them with alternative communication and technical services, information, resources, and support. Taharar!’s vision is to combat the digital censorship prevalent in West Asia and North Africa by providing an accessible pool of resources in local languages (including Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, Kurdish, etc.) that people to create democratic alternatives by controlling their own secure means of communications through the use and proliferation of free, open source software and technologies.

404 team

404 team is Autonomous & anarchist tech collective from Siberia, hosting Siberian indymedia and other activist sites from around xUSSR.

404 team — это автономный коллектив, придерживающийся принципов анархизма. Наша цель — помощь в создании свободного общества, мира без иерархии и угнетения, мира без нужды и запретов на выражение мнений, мира, где люди будут важнее прибыли. Мы делаем это путем технической поддержки наших единомышленников, союзников в борьбе против капитализма и других форм угнетения.

World Wide is a decentralized global network of media activists.

Tachanka is the idea of providing technical services to emancipatory projects and groups of political change. It is also the groups of people behind this idea. There are many overlapping collectives that help to maintain the projects, but Tachanka operates within many shared principles, forming a supportive network to enable shared aims. The collectives are international, seeking to enhance global solidarity. The foremost guiding principles of the Tachanka project are the Hallmarks of People’s Global Action and the Debian Social Contract. is an international activisty calendar and directory of protests. Anarchist tech collective, mostly nomadic.

“a non-profit internet service provide”.