At long last here is the transcription of the flip chart notes we wrote during CA camp this summer. I attempted to preserve the formatting without much interpretation. My recollection is that we wanted to produce a more presentable version of this for the camp organizers. -p

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A. Magical Activist Path
B. Optional Offerings:

C. Cooperative Project with Woodlands Staff

D. Focus by ritual planners on inner/outer work in evening ritual

E. Foreground the social/political elements, for example

  1. Slave:Gwion and Master:Cerridwin
  2. Freya as sex worker

F. Visioning the world we want to see and learning the skills to create it and creating spaces to experience it at camp

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F. e.g., (affinity group Spanish Anarchist)

G. Networking Activism

H. Dinner (or fashion show) of appreciation of world changing work

I. (camp) Story ideas: