
rpi2 x3

(seryn) 11/5 – these units need some purpose in their lives, what can we commit them to?

(seryn) 14//5 – hows about a mail server, a web server, and a personal mobile workstation

awesome index elinux.org/RPi_Tutorials

Shopping List


(seryn) 24/5 – Displays would be nice.


(seryn) 24/5 – wireless TOR gateway

Operating Systems

Rasbian – Debian 7 ‘Wheezy’

(seryn) 2/5 – We installed Raspian, it works.

Debian 8 ‘Jessie’

(seryn) 3/5 – installed jessie on rpi2. I got the .img from here → sjoerd.luon.net/posts/2015/02/debian-jessie-on-rpi2

Debian 8 ‘Jessie’ (aliendeb)

(seryn) 7/5 – I downloaded ‘aliendeb’ from here www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=101831


(seryn) 10/5 downloading minibian, sourceforge.net/projects/minibian

(seryn) 11/5 – I’m attempting to get Kodi working on this install.

Resize that filesystem



‘Garcon!’ or – setting up your mail server

(seryn) 14/5 – I am beginning to look up information on using the rpi2 as an email server. below are some links.

SSH Connection to Raspberry Pi

(g) 23/5 – I successfully established an ssh connection to my Raspberry Pi which will be used to run GNU CASH and store sensitive data away from cloud access, if that’s the right terminology. Here are the pages to point anyone in the right direction

VNC Connection on Raspberry Pi

(g) 24/5 – This should give us graphic interface to the Raspberry Pi while on a headless ssh connection. I’m following the raspberry pi documentation on how to do this but the terminal on the main computer keeps saying ‘vncserver: not found’. I’m looking around on how to resolve this.

(seryn) 26/5 – pretty cool, can’t wait to have an opportunity to play with this.

(g) 5/6 – I tried to use the pi through the router we’re using for primary internet and was unsuccessful. The easy way to find the pi IP address if you’re in the same room as it is to plug it into an HDMI capable screen and read it on the start up page where you type in the password. If you’re not in the same room as the pi, I’m still working that out. I think if you know the IP address of the router/switch itself, you should be able to find what other hosts are hardwired into it and determine from there which one is the pi. I personally haven’t been successful at this. I only found the IP address the first time on the linksys router because of an educated guess. I found the main router IP address by using the HDMI to the TV and reading it in the start menu but still couldn’t access the pi through that router. I couldn’t find the IP address for the main router or my own computer and I think bitmask had something to do with it. The reason I say that is because when I tried to use the original router that worked on the pi the first time after trying the main router, neither the VNC or SSH would allow me access until I had turned the bitmask off. I actually tried turning off the bitmask while using the main router but the VNC/SSH still didn’t work so that’s probably not it unless other people connected to the router using bitmask or tor are randomizing the IP address numbers for all the hosts attached to that router. Or there’s some security protocol on the router since it’s an active internet providing port and I haven’t done it yet. I don’t know what I’m talking about and need help.