Free Ride Council » Meetings agendas and Notes » Notes


Who’s new on council


 Gregg now has go-ahead to do RFPs to electrician friends 

How to run this meeting

Schedule next meeting

 December 20th 10am at RR Donnelley, 218 N. Braddock Ave. (confirm w/Jeff R.)


 Scott commits to getting internet working in the shop definitely a month from now, hopefully much sooner 

Missing Keys

 Scott will buy new locks at Home Depot after meeting 


 Jeremy will: 
* get refugee contacts from Ned
* pick only from the floor for more kids bikes
* talk Jack Lebow by Wednesday and...
* (if Jack doesn't come through) will talk to Kraynicks 

Raffle Winner

Scott will send certificate to Will;
Will will send certificate to email contact of winner 

Volunteers/Staff update

Tuesday EAB

 Jeremy will: 
* create an EAB list, 
* find out how many people are coming, 
* staff it, 
* hold it next Sunday 

Youth Night & background checks

Ned’s Youth Open House proposal

December 4th first Youth Night – Jeremy will staff 

Community Bicycle program (tabled)

More frequent decision-making meetings

New bike rack

Scott will talk to CJ mgmt. about that (& electric)