
Chat / Messaging / Calls

  1. Serval Mesh – File sharing, free phone calls & messaging Android Application
    5 to 6 Android phones were used for testing, though the application has some bugs, it works.
  2. Pidgin (Bonjour Protocol) – Chat from Computers (Auto discovery – Zeroconf) [Not Working outside single broadcast domain]
    Works at MAC Layer, doesn’t need IP address to work (doubtful regarding this, doesn’t forward message on subnets). Couldn’t send files through this protocol.

Social Networking

  1. Rumble

File Distribution

  1. Torrent Tracker
    Opentracker is a free software implementation of bittorrent tracker which can be compiled and installed on OpenWRT devices. Our custom image includes opentracker by default which means all mesh nodes can act as a tracker. On 14 April, 2016 myself (Prasanna) and Suriya tried to transfer files through the following setup. Two mesh routers on range, two laptop and two smartphones each connected to one of the two access points from mesh routers. Transmission torrent client is used on both ends and the clients are able to find peers through the tracker and the file sharing was successful. Torrent trackers can very well be deployed in our network.

HTTP server for hosting webpages and wiki

  1. HTTP Server with IPV6
    Even when 2 non-mesh nodes connected to the network via two different mesh nodes with same IPV4 addresses, HTTP server works with their unique IPV6 addresses. Based on this, I speculate that similar application layer protocols like FTP should work with IPV6. It should be noted that IPV6 address is assigned to each non-mesh node using its MAC as seed, hence IP conflict in IPV6 is unlikely to occur.

Networking Services

  1. DHCP
    Mesh routers already provide dhcp services. We need to decide on IPv4 vs IPv6 addressing scheme and also static IP allocation for routers along the network.

To be Tested

  1. Retroshare
  2. Briar

Social Networking

  1. Twister

Network Services

  1. KadNode – P2P DNS
    We had a discussion on this, I think in order to make use of it, all devices (non-mesh) should be running Kadnode daemon as a background service and end-users should have a knowledge on how to use it.

Knowledge Sharing

  1. Local Wikipedia : Kiwix
  2. Serve ebooks under CC
  3. Wikisource and books under it