
  1. How to use directional antennas to support the meshnet?
  2. Interference, Line of sight and other practical challenges
  3. Omni-directional antennas : Use case
  4. Choose a simple model of Omni-directional antenna to build on Sunday


  1. Try to deploy a meshlocal at opendrops (again)
  2. Use IPv6 address with hardcoded DNS to deploy web apps (ebook library)
  3. Serve files with opentracker in multiple routers
  4. Other applications : Pidgin (chat), Serval Mesh(VoIP), Rumble(Social n/w)
  5. Build a minimalistic web page to serve apks for apps mentioned above

Technical issues

  1. IP conflict
  2. Challenges in deploying torrent trackers
  3. Bonjour protocol used by Pidgin(chat) works only in the subnet x.×.×.0 to x.×.×.255
  4. Common problems when it comes to deploying applications on a layer 2 based mesh network

Delayed Goals

  1. Infographics, Animations
  2. Complete Web page of
  3. Tutorials for setting up a mesh node (router)