2019 Meeting Organization / Organisation de rencontres

This is not a fixed methodology but a suggestion of practical tools to organise RTF meetings. It departs from the idea that the organisation of these meetings is shared between a local group that takes care of logistics and a group taking care of content

Questions on Location / local group

- amount of places for meetings, amount of sleeping spaces: around 100 people expected? maximum, what was it this year? 70, 2017:~50, 2016:~40
- available spaces: kitchen, welcome space, meeting spaces, party space, resting area, dormitories, outside
- spaces needed: space for two workshops at the same time. at least one space for meeting with everybody (heated?) yes
- material and financial needs of hosting space
- procurement of materials and food
- availability of internet, printing, phone, …
- local issues, actions …?
- date: between mid january and february idealy

Before and during assembly

- clear welcome of the participants
- collective review (daily?): group guidelines on living and meeting conducts, collective time, timing of meetings, content
- regular synthesis on decisions and meeting issues
- reminders on practical stuff: collective tasks, money, …
- attentiveness to minutes

Preparation of content in order of priority

- agreement on location and meeting objectives in assembly and/or on Carrots
- call-out on European list to organisers, for content, themes
- announcement on the EU list on dates, location, issues, finances.
- inscription of motivated people on carrots, do we want to go on search carrots? if we find new people, i think a few more wouldnt be bad
- if needed: questionnaires, call-outs to fine tune themes
- first draft of a general program


- address the EU list and/or local lists and/or external (what external? people nt from rtf but who we wann invite/join/etc), when? is this about the invitation for the next meeting? makes sense to do when we know the place Yes
- send first general mailing several months in advance
- send mail reminder ( 3 months prior)
- put information on website ! This we could do it already??! as soon as we have a date. we have the date when we know the place? more or less yes we can already start to inform that we will organise the next assembly with contact if people want to stay updated
- send practical mail 1 month prior: how to get there, food, program, needs. rideshare Insist on registration ! rideshare has to be published earlier than this year yes.

Between us:
– mail for urgent or important stuff and calls out for meetings
– crabgrass to save infos
– pad to implement for the next meetings

Preparation in situ

- local group: prepare procurement (orders, harvest, stock)
- local group: find materials, install the space
- content group: synthesis of intervention proposals and discussion issues, advice on the program
- content group: preparing days programs, plannings, daily life, task lists, money
- both groups: preparing logistics and meetings views
- both groups: prepare visits, volontary work on site, contacts with outsiders

After the meetings

- cleaning up, money point with finance group
- share/distribute rests, stuff,…
- gather meeting minutes with Bulletin group
- thank you mailing and final state of affairs on EU list
- announce follow-up, calender,etc…