Reasons for W+T night:
Power dynamic – women who feel like men “take over their bike projects.” If there wasn’t a women’s night, the space would be full of men—implicitly pushing out women & trans because of the presence of that dynamic. (See: Free Ride during a regular open shop for this point!)
What do we want this night to mean? Safe space? Recruiting more women? What about the implications for the regular space, does that mean that it’s not safe? Women’s night has a different vibe, that’s hard to articulate… is that why we have it?
Identifying a group with less power in real quantitative ways—such as women in the bicycle scene—it’s important to create power via creating space, time etc. that belongs to them.
Culture of training in mechanics, tool use, etc. “We encourage you to be here.” Applies to both genders—it’s just that culturally, one gender (males) receives this message all the time.
Access issues—poor space design illuminated by women’s only night such as placement of tools & parts designed for taller folks. Avoiding the sense of needing to defer to a male’s energy or a male’s bike knowledge. Men feel more inclined to, entitled to—use the space, use the tools etc. even if they don’t know how—unlike women.

Ways to Make it Work:
social—potlucks, movies, etc. Include classes with yr open shops.

Problem scenario:
what to do when men don’t leave?
only young white women want to use it
queer male-bodied person wants to use it
accessibility for families, safe space for children?
how to gain allies from within your organization
addressing culturally-informed gender hierarchy — how to be anti-oppression, anti-homophobia

(Can’t remember which group said this): Have a separate mission statement for women’s night ONLY (diff. from organization): that “this night exists to provide a safe anti-sexist space for women.” that way, men can be in the space as long as they are upholding that mission!

Boulder: WTF = women’s and trans focused, but no one is turned away.

San Fran: this night is for: anyone who has experienced gender-based discrimination when trying to access a bike shop.