A Speakers Bureau is a compiled list of “speakers”, their contact information, as well as the topic about which the speaker deems him/herself to be qualified to “speak” about to a gathering of people.

I think that Occupy could benefit from creating/compiling a Speakers Bureau.

I believe that individuals within Occupy should acquaint themselves with specific topics relating to the various tasks, procedures, and issues that are relevant to the goals of Occupy.

Individuals should pick different subject/topic areas to research & provide their contact information to Occupy so that they might be approached to speak to various groups – either Occupy or otherwise – regarding these topics. (At teach-ins, gatherings, and such…)

If you feel that you are qualified, or might be interested in becoming qualified, to talk on a particular topic, please edit this Wiki and provide your name, a contact means (email or otherwise), as well as the topic you would like to be called to speak on.

Much thanks!

Speaker – Contact Info – Topic