Public Wiki

This is the RTF Bulletins workplace.

If you are building a new bulletin, please create a “Commitee” : go to “Settings” → “Structure” and create a committe with the name of the bulletin


Since bulettin 7, we set this goal for the working group: “create (internal-)communication tool for RtF (printed & digital)”

It functions as a tool to remind people just before the assembly, what was decided in last assembleys.

- collect & send (summary of) the notes made in gatherings to general email list of RtF
- collect materials (articles, drawings, pictures, etc.) for the next bulletin*: translate, edit, lay out, make a printable and digital file, facilitate the distribution of the bulletin.
- Create continuity in processes of RtF (pass on info, notes etc.), stimulate connection of ideas, continuation of discussions.
=> Bulletin can function as printed archive of RtF related notes, texts etc.
=> Bulletin will also be read by newcommers to network: can be first impression of RtF
*Bulletin preferably comes out 4 weeks before next gathering

with bulletin 10, we’ll try a new fonctionning because there is now only one assembly per year :
→ send a bulletin two months after the european assembly : with the aim to spread the feedbacks of the assembly quickly
→ send a bulletin before the next assembly ( a month before) : with articles, news of stars, questions for the aseembly…

useful texts and infos to make a bulletin

- some callout for articles already used
- adds for layout
- the last bulletin introduction
- the "who we are" text which has to be in every bulletin !

If you have any questions ask them:
Also when you were not on the meeting, but want to join the bulletin group, contact us!!!

Here, a link to existing bulletins:

Good luck

Recent Pages Create Page »

Title Updated
projects presented at wiehoi_de weezel 2011-01-14
collective farms_en weezel 2011-01-14
aufruf_zad_de weezel 2011-01-14
terres de liens_fr weezel 2011-01-12
proposal_ro_en weezel 2011-01-11
proposal_nddl_es weezel 2011-01-11
proposal_nddl_fr+en weezel 2011-01-11
collective farm_meeting_de weezel 2011-01-11
call_nyeleni_fr weezel 2011-01-11
call_nyeleni_es weezel 2011-01-11
call_nyeleni_en weezel 2011-01-11
call_nyeleni_de weezel 2011-01-11
call_april_es weezel 2011-01-11
call_april_en weezel 2011-01-11
call_april_de weezel 2011-01-11
minutes wieserhoisl_fr weezel 2011-01-11
projects presented at wieserhoisl_en weezel 2011-01-11
access to land_fr weezel 2011-01-11
access to land_en weezel 2011-01-11
FöldKelte (EarthRise) summer camp en weezel 2010-12-04
a tour of seeds en_de weezel 2010-10-18
Money makes the world go weezel 2010-10-14
Proposal for an RTF Camp during Nyéléni European Forum 2011 de weezel 2010-10-07
was wenn da mehr von uns wären? de weezel 2010-10-07
Transhumance en weezel 2010-10-02
An agricultural vision from within Reclaim the Fields en weezel 2010-10-02
Peasant struggles yesterday and today: some elements for understanding en weezel 2010-10-02
Overview of Projects in Geneva en weezel 2010-10-02
Terre de Liens, a Tool for Collective Access to Land en weezel 2010-10-02
Collective Farm with the Help of Terre de Liens en weezel 2010-10-02